Important A/N

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Sooo... im deciding if I should write another book called Diabolik Lovers: sisterly love. What do y'all think? I've been so obsessed with this anime for years and I claim Laito Sakamaki as my future husband aka, DADDY~ (FYI- I will go yandere on anyone who tries to steal him) I have also claimed Azusa Mukami to be my child (again...I will go yandere if anyone tries to take him) for I feel so in love and connected with these 2 certain characters cuz I can relate 2 both of them EMOTIONALLY AND PHYSICALLY. I hope u like my idea to write another book and I may also make one called Diabolik Lovers More Blood Mukami's younger sister. And if anyone has heard of the anime or game Angels of death, I will also post a book like that. Let me know what you guys think.

LOVE YO ALL MY ANIMERS (what i call my people in my Youtube channel)

Author-Kun out.... KAWAII~

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