Shouldn't have

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Kang Younghyun pov:

"Hey, cheer up mate." Chan says punching my shoulder playfully. His new friend Felix I guess, told him to stop hurting me. I start acting like his punches hurt a lot.

"Look at that claw machine! It has kenguru plushies inside of it!" Felix shouts as they both start running to the machine as I look around and notice an interesting game behind of the claw machines.

I put some money inside of and sit on top of the motorcykel. It's really easy.
Yes! I won the first place! There is only enough to write four alphabets.
What should I write.

I look around and notice someone singing about rain in the karaoke booth. A flash of someone's face came up to my mind. Why do I feel so weird? I look back at the screen. It's been months last time I saw him.

_ _ _ _


A smile for a long time appears on the corner of my lips. The same feeling I used to feel when I cared for someone so much that  I could die for it. I start walk back to where I left the aussie dorks and look around other claw machines.

"Hey, give us more money." Unfamiliar voice says behind the claw machines I just past by. I got curious and walk there. 

"Stop." I say and hold the stranger's hand who was about to hit someone. I look closer where he was about hit. It's him. The other three people look at me confused and the other starts whispering about me.

"Leave or get hit." They all start running away leaving the boy behind. Poor boy. I look at the claw machine. I want to get that teddy... for him.

"Hey don't cry. Here." I say and hand him a big teddy bear. He looks at me amazed.

"Thank you mister umbrella." He says in some what happy voice. I look at him closer and notice that he has red eyes.

I put my hand oh his cheek to look closer. Our eyes meet and we stare at each other, wondering who will look away first.

A whistle is heard and we both look away. I blush on the cheeks little. I look back at him and notice that his face in buried in the big teddy.

His ears are red. He is blushing too? Cute.

"Do you want to play that shooting game over there?" I try to change the awkward silence. He nods and we start shooting the zombies.

Why does my stomach feel weird?

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