Part five - Meeting Princess Ariel

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(I know that the pictures of 'Alexa' don't match but it that's closest one that I could find to the other one)

Later on that day

Joe's POV
I walked into my mum's house to collect Alexa with the biggest smile on my face. I was so happy that Dianne not only didn't judge me, but she was just as excited as Alexa was to meet one another. I greeted my mum hello and walked into the living room to find where Alexa was, she ran out from behind the sofa, clearly excited that I was home. She was going to be even more excited when I told her today was the day she was the day she was finally going to meet Dianne. She engulfed me into the biggest hug ever, a smile showing from ear to ear. She hasn't even heard the news yet!
"Hi princess how come your so happy?" I asked.
"You home early! We can eat tea togefer!"
"Yey that's great! And I have more good news Dianne is coming round our house tonight"
Alexa's face grew even bigger - if that was even possible - as she pulled me into another HUGE hug.
"I get to mwet Dianne! Let's go, let's go!"
We said goodbye to my mum and after thanking her for looking after Alexa, we got into the car as we headed home.

Dianne's POV
I was so excited to meet Alexa! Just from the photos Joe had showed me and what he had told me about Alexa, I could just tell that we were going to get along. I'm so glad that Joe had told me about Alexa - I found out that the only people who knew about her were his family and really close friends - I felt as though he now trusts me even more than he did before.

I finished packing up my clothes into my bag, and headed outside to get into my Uber that I had booked. I got out the car at Joe's house thanking the Uber driver before heading into Joe and Alexa's apartment block, before knocking on the door. I heard the little patter of footsteps followed by the sound of Joe's voice. The door opened revealing Joe and Alexa, I was about to say hello when Alexa ran over towards me, hugging my legs for dear life.
"Hello Alexa" I said bending down as she let go of my legs. "Should we go inside?" I asked.
"Yeah I can show you my toys. Come on!" She exclaimed running into the front room.
I looked at Joe who just shook his head, at how excited Alexa was, laughing his head off. I placed my bag, coat and shoes on the stairs before following both Joe and Alexa into the front room.

Me, Joe and Alexa sat on the floor playing with Alexa's variety of toys - her barbies, dolls, colouring books and her teddy bears. Me and Joe both smiling and laughing at Alexa who was happily making her teddy bears talk to one another. Buzz, buzz, buzz. Joe's phone starting ringing, he looked down and noticed his mum was ringing him.
"I'm just going to take this. Is that okay?" Joe asked.
"Yeah of course. Go on before the call ends" I replied.

As soon as Joe left the room, heading into his office to be able to hear him mum over the sound of London traffic outside, Alexa came bouncing over towards me.
"Can I tell you a secret?" She asked.
"Of course, what is it?"
"My daddy finks you coot" she told me giggling her head off. Recalling back to first live show when Joe told Alexa that he thought Dianne was beautiful.
As soon as she told me that my face went as red as my hair. Did Joe really think that I was cute? Wait I am having a conversation with a three years old here, she may have not understood the conversation probably.
"And he finks your bootiful like Princess Ariel!" She told me before I could respond to her first comment.
"Really! Well I think he's quite handsome" I told Alexa. I thought to myself that I can just mention the conversation to go and see what he says. Before I could ask Alexa anything else Joe walked back into the room, telling us
how his mum was just ringing to ask what time she needed to pick Alexa up in the morning.


Joe's POV
After finally getting Alexa to bed - which consisted of; three bedtime stories, two times saying goodnight to Dianne and ten goodnight kisses - I walked back down into the living room to find Dianne sat down on the sofa.
"Can I talk to you about something Alexa said earlier?" Dianne asked me.
"Yeah of course" I said.
What had Alexa said this time? Was she rude to Dianne? Surely not as Alexa wasn't rude to anyone, however she did have a lot of sass.

Dianne's POV
"Is it true that you called me 'cute' and 'beautiful' to Alexa?" I asked giggling.
Joe's face turned bright red. Maybe it was true?

Author's note
Sorry about the cliffhanger :)
I hope your enjoying the sorry so far!
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

The one that brought us together - Joanne ❤️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu