Part sixteen - Favourite four

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The following morning
Dianne's POV
Last night I think was the best sleep Joe has had all week, he fell straight asleep and due to Alexa not waking up in the night, he stayed asleep. However now I couldn't find him, I had woke up looking over at the time to see that it was half seven. We planned on leaving the house at around eight, so I quickly changed into some dancing gear and headed downstairs looking for Joe. As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard the calming sound of Rainbow connection fill the house, it must be playing downstairs. I looked in the front room to see one of the cutest sights ever. All the sofas pushed back, leaving Joe practicing the waltz by himself in the middle. Alexa was sat on the giant beanbag, watching Joe dance around in circles, smiling as she spotted me in the corner. I walked over to Joe, who was starting the music over, tapping him on the shoulder.
"May I have this dance" I asked in my best British accent.
"You may" he said copying my bad impression.

We danced around the make shift dance floor, Joe doing the dance perfectly. I placed a gentle kiss upon his lips as we finished to the sounds of Alexa loudly clapping.

"Do it like that on the day, and I'll be so proud" I told him, my smile never leaving my face.
"Was it good?" He said slightly doubting himself.
"More than good, If was perfect"

Joe's POV
It was later on in the day now, and me, Dianne and Alexa were at the dance studio, practicing for Saturday. We were running over the dance, when there was a knock on the studio door. Dianne went over, unlocking the door to reveal Stacey and Kevin.
"Kacey" I shouted, as this was now what we called them.
"Joanne" Kevin shouted back.
"And my favourite, Alexa" Stacey shouted, as Alexa ran over to greet the pair.
We walked over to the music stand sitting down in a group, on the floor chatting.
(S = Stacey K = Kevin D = Dianne J = Joe A = Alexa )
S: So hows everything going then?
D: yeah good, how about youse two
K: yeah everything is great
J: good
Alexa who was now stood in the middle of the studio was showing us her 'cartwheels'. (She has her cast off, I know that I haven't put it in the storyline but it's off)
She must be feeling better!
A: Daddy, Kevin, I bet you can't do this
K and J: I bet I can

Stacey's POV
"So then Dianne how's everything going with Joe"
"Amazing, he's just so sweet you know. It was so cute this morning I came down the stairs to find him dancing around the room."
"Aw I can imagine it was, so what about Alexa how's she doing now your around"
"Is say she's doing good, she's so cute as well, her and joe together just melts my heart"
I could tell that she really loved Joe, even when she was talking about Alexa, she still had to mention Joe. I thought it was adorable, I've only known the two of the for a couple of months but I really can see a strong connection between the two of them. So cute! And with Alexa they really are a little family.

Authors note -
Sorry this is really short but I wanted to put something out.
I have been given a great ideas from @Milliefrances46 so that should be coming out either tonight or tomorrow
If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments and I will try and incorporate them into the story.
- Charlotte x

The one that brought us together - Joanne ❤️Where stories live. Discover now