february two thousand and nineteen

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God speaks in silence
God speaks in meditation
God speaks during peace

keep still, keep silent, keep loving
and you will hear.


Coming to terms with mid life, we need to cut off from some things we used to indulge in our youth, things we consider to be essential to our image of ourselves but of an image that has long faded with the advance of age.

One of them is playing the cool dude to attract women. Looking ourselves in the mirror, that face immediately says we ain't fit for that no longer. The time for progeny is already fulfilled, kids are already grown up, and the paunch is showing.

However, men's minds seem to be frozen in time as the mechanism that pulls your attention to women's bodies still works efficiently too well. This is where your better judgement comes in, this is where your mind triumphs over matter, the flesh.

Being in love with somebody helps in overpowering this urge as it seeks to protect not only the person you love but also yourself and her health as engaging extramarital sex increases the likelihood of contracting STDs and the affair blowing up in our faces as women rarely let go of entanglements without a fight.

There is also the consequence of embarrassment and ridicule in situations where women get disgusted with advances coming from old men who have better things to do than groan for a few seconds and doze for hours after.

Mature men ought to live with joy, not entirely with happiness. Both joy and happiness are emotions generated by engaging and experiencing positive things. However, based on my experience and learnings from literature and language usage, happiness is more associated with success, wealth, beauty, victory, material things, sensory delectations.

Joy comes from transcendence, from realizations, from seeing good resulting from good. Joy is being with God, living with God, loving God through people and creation.

Anything successful yet deals depression does not experience joy and the loving and kind Divine. Wealth and fame directed to the Self eventually burdens the recipient with the weight, coupled with fear and paranoia, denial of the eternal and the heavenly, turning one's vision to evils and blinded to anything good.

In the beginning was the Word. Word indeed. And it has to be the right Word. The Word is Love. The fruit is Joy and Kindness. The legacy is Blessing. To begin your day, your life anew, with the right Word, is to discover God and enact greater understanding despite all difficulty and pain which are never eternal, is to Be.

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