may two thousand and nineteen

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The society cannot be perfect. Only God is perfect, in Heaven. Society can only control human imperfection by law, culture, and human conscientious, ethical action. And the belief in God and the afterlife.

The idea of an utopian society, with an all responsible, all caring government is a fallacy and an impossibility. This has become a murderous ideology with autocrats bestowed with absolute power doing whatever it takes to preserve the veneer of equality and welfare over an increasingly stagnating population.


There are many inherent flaws of this system, this utopianist, communist, socialist, egalitarian ruling clique.

1. Its unyielding stranglehold on power, tantamount to the succession of kings, the ruthlessness this power is usurped and preserved.

2. Power is wielded by a small ruling cadre of comrades over a vast population interspersed with informants and secret police.

3. The quelling of any religious beliefs and organizations that hark to the hierarchical order and that harbor freedom of thought and thus dissent.

4. Elimination of initiative and free enterprise, rewards for exceptional achievements and talents, in the name of equality whereas the highly diversified human species is inherently in possession of unequal capabilities and qualities, though equal in basic Human Rights.

5. Market performance and economic growth are on a bare minimum due to the denial of economic impetus and incentives, that causes a chain reaction of poor quality, services, and scarcity. Any form of growth or possession of wealth is criminalized vis-à-vis equality. But that does not stop people from obtaining favors and rewards by serving the autocrats of the central authority, which they stash outside the country.

6. Power, national budget and treasure, freedom of mobility, even from prosecution are held, exercised, and dispensed by a select few in the name of the "revolution", which makes them enjoy their almost permanent positions more than the masses in their "economized" plight. Just a simple examination of the perks and accommodations of the so-called heads of communist states is proof that their lives are light-years away from those of the masses.

7. The assumption that a revolutionary is infallible as long as that one espouses revolutionary ideas is a grave falsehood, as the ends justify the means creed have killed many and transgressed many Human Rights.

8. The rule of law, the basis of social contract and the check and balance of social behavior, is replaced by rule by decree, revocable and invocable anytime by the ruling clique. Again, no different from a royal family's, this clique is egalitarian only on paper

9. The assumption that perfection can be attained by imperfect individuals on a global or societal level ends in catastrophic disaster, as evidenced by countries reduced to starvation and economic collapse, their descent to moral decay and intellectual stagnation. They survive by relaxing certain market practices and underground entrepreneurship by not before throwing a lot of successful businesses and proprietors to ruin and poverty, if they haven't massacred or prison-camped them on a large scale.

10. The total lack of the transition of power from one group of elected officials to another perpetuates these authoritarianist revolutionaries in their positions and thus prevents newer talent from serving the people, and thus maintains the godless and murderous system. Ironically, elections have brought some of the notable communist dictators into power.

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