Chapter 1

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Jake POV:

Sam, Paul and I were doing patrol when I guess Paul heard something, but then I did too!

Sam that sounds like a Pup!- Paul

No one can phase that young- Sam

Let's just go check it out- me

We follow the noise to a clearing. What we see makes are mouths and jaws drop!

We see a small pup! It's pure white with brown eyes. It's a she! She's cowering away from a man. He's holding something...... a knife! A sharp one, you can see the nature and light reflecting on it.

The pup starts whimpering.

What do we do?-Paul

One of us on each side, be ready to attack the man!-Sam

"You killed her!" The man yells

I walk to get in the covered area behind the pup and I see it's Charlie! That must mean! BELLA!

Guys! It's Charlie!- me

I see Sam behind Charlie, crouching.


He starts running towards Bella! She screeches and quickly tries to avoid him. But just as Charlie was over top of Bella, Sam lunged at Charlie and tackled him to the ground, snarling at him! Paul and I run out to Bella to make sure she's ok!

She lays on her back submitting! And then we hear her!

Please don't hurt me!- Bella

Bella, it's us! Jake and Paul- me

Jakey? Pauley?- Bella

Yes Bells it's us- Paul

And that's when all three of us felt our worlds shift! Paul and I have imprinted on Bella, and she imprinted on us!

We look over and see Sam letting Charlie up, and let's out a "stay " snap

He runs behind a tree and phases back! He comes running back out and is in-front of Charlie.

"What the fuck! Sam?!" Charlie exclaims

"What the fuck Charlie! She's your Daughter!" Sam yells

"She killed her!" He says taking a step forward with the knife, Bella whimpers and backs up scared!

That sets a switch off, Paul and I stand protectively I front of her! Showing are teeth warning for him to not come closer. he takes a step back.

"She needs to die!" He says

We growl. Bella whimpers and we stop.

"She's living with us now!" Sam tells him

"NO!"Charlie yells waving the knife around

Bella yips out a scared squeal, which makes us jump and then alert! I feel something under me and I put my head in between my front legs to which I see Bella hiding under me!

I look up and growl at Charlie for scaring her!

"Jake, Paul, go!" Sam says

Bella, come with me and Paul, stay in the middle of us, ok?- me

Okay jakey!- Bella

I huff at Sam and he nods to take her to his house.

We turn and walk towards his house and we finally reach there and Bella shifts back and we wrap her in a blanket and bring her inside!

"EMMY!" Bella says excited, giving Emily s hug

"Let's go find you some clothes." She responds taking Bella's hand and leading her upstairs.

Ok, I know it's a short chapter! But the next one will be longer, I promise! I just really wanted to get the first chapter out!! Love you guys and thank you for your support! Go read my other story, "Bella and Paul" it's really good, I'm still currently updating it! Love you guys and thank you!


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