Chapter 4

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Bella is 16 now!

Bella POV:

Sams letting me do my first official patrol by myself today! I'm so excited, but nervous. He said they will all be phased while I'm doing it, but they will all stay back and watch.

"Are you ready bells" Sammy asks me

I take a deep breathe to try and calm my nerves.

"Yea!" I say

I walk out to the woods and phase, I feel everyone phase along with me. Jake and Paul are by my side rubbing themselves on me and I lick them.  I look at Sam and he nods. I nod and run!

I make it all the way around perfectly until I smell something. A vamp! I make a decision, and I phase back.

I walk out to the border and I see a vampire. I put my shield up.

"Who are you?" I ask him

"My name is Edward Cullen. And you are?" He asks

"Bella" I respond

"Why can't I read your thoughts?" He asks

"I'm a shield!" I tell him

"What do you want?!" I ask getting annoyed

"Just wanted to say... hello! Bye!" He says and he's gone.


I phase back and finish the patrol!

Edward POV:

"Bye!" I say and I run back home

She's the one! She's gonna bring "peace" to the supernatural and human world! I can't let that happen.

Her blood smelt soo good! I need it! But it won't be ready till she's 18! Urg I'm just gonna have to get closer to her. But how?!

Bella POV:

"JAKEY! PAULEY! I DID IT!" I say jumping up and down naked, since I had just shifted back.

They were waiting for me to shift back they come and hand me my clothes. I quickly change into them and run out of the woods and run and jump into their arms! I get down and start jumping up and down, doing summer salts, doing some flips(I took gymnastics)!

Everyone is laughing! That's when all our heads turn! And I instantly phase back

Shit! And I just changed-me

I'm sorry babe- Paul

There's a vamp..... um... I'm getting that he's at the treaty line.... blonde hair.... -Me

Lets go- Jake

I look at Sam

"You handle this Bella! I trust you!" Sam tells me, I nod and I walk between the boys and run ahead shielding us.

We get to the treaty line!

Watch my back! I'm gonna go phase back to talk.- me

We will always protect you- Jake

I run behind a tree and phase back. But I don't leave the tree since I didn't have any extra clothes.

"Who are you? And what do you want?!" I say sternly

"My name is Jasper Whitlock! I was apart of the Cullen clan until I got some news from my "brother"." He says

"And What is that news?" I ask him, the boys come closer to me

"It's Edward! He's planning on kidnapping you and mating with you. drinking your blood so he can become more powerful than he is now. But he can't do anything until your 18! I hate him. He's turned my whole family on his side! I don't want to be a part of that." Jasper said

"Well thank you! You can come on our land!" I tell him

He slowly steps over the invisible line.

"There is an cottage close by if you would like to live there." I tell him

"Yes please." He replies

"But first follow us, we want you to meet everyone." I say he nods his head

I phase back, and walk out into the street. The boys are beside me and we all run to sams.

Once we arrive the boys phase back since they didn't tear their clothes. I let out a bark!

They bring me my clothes and I take them in my mouth and go behind a tree and phase back.

I walk out and next to jasper. Sam growls.

"Sam it's ok!" I tell him calmly

"No it's not Bella! You let a Vampire, on our land!" He said growling at me! He phases and starts to growl at me.

"Shit!" I whisper, only Paul, Jake and Jasper heard me

Sam slowly walks towards me growling, I phase to be ready to protect myself.

Sam calm down- me

You let him on our land- Sam growls

Samual CALM DOWN NOW!- me

He stops, what?

What just happened?- Sam shocked

I. I don't know- me

We phase back and I'm wrapped in a blanket.

That's two pairs of close in one day, ugh.

Billy rolls out of the house.

"She's an Omega!" He says

What did you guys think? I love it! Thank you guys for all your love and support! Special thanks to Navywife06 !love you!


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