Chapter 10

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Bella POV:

I wake up feeling refreshed and glowing. I kiss my men and go downstairs to help Emily make breakfast.

We make blueberry and chocolate chip muffins. Along with eggs and chicken.

Once it's ready and I have finnished setting the table I turn to Emily and yell "FOOODS READY!"

All the guys come running into the house and down stairs into the living room.

And pile food onto their plates.

I let out a cough and all of they guys look at me, "Manners!" I say

They all nod and eat calmly

After, they all go out for training and patrol. While I stay with Emily and clean up from breakfast.

The door bell rings and I go to answer it. It's alive again and I back up slowly.

"What are you doing here?!" I say growling

She lunges for me which I avoid. Crashing into the table.

She grabs me and throws me into the wall. Stunning me for a second and she plunged another needle into my neck.

"Congratulations, your pregnancy will only last a month. Enjoy for now!" She smirks, I'm in shock but I know I need to fight and get her out of the house

I phase in the front of the house,shit! I snap at Alice and lunge for her but she grabs and throws me through the door breaking it off and causing me to land in the front yard. Alice rushes out with her fists and I jump to the side. And stand infront of the house and raise my head high.

"Ah you can already see a baby bump" she says

I growl, for what she's done to me. This isn't how a baby should be born.
I snap my jaws at her.

I raise my body high and strong.

She lunges for me and I meet her in the middle and I grab her leg as she's about to kick me, throwing her down into a tree. I land gracefully!

And stand guarding the house, protecting Emily who's inside, hopefully hiding In a safe place. I start to stalk her and she runs off.

Emily comes rushing out, "Bella, packs at the treaty line with the other Cullens!" She yells

I nod and start running to the treaty line.

As I get closer I hear the thoughts and voices


"We have followed Alice's trail here. Have you seen her?" Carlisle asks

"No we have not!" Sam says , so he must be in human form

I let out a bark and all heads turn to me as I walk out of the bushes. I trot up to Sam and lower my head down to him and he scratches my ear for me, causing me to purr. I then walk infront of Jacob and Paul and swish my tail against their noses causing them to sneeze.

I trot around them and stand in between my mates, and lay down, exhausted.

"Who is that?" Esme asks

Sam looks at me and I nod.

"Bella" he tells them

There's gasps

"Have you seen Alice, Bella?" Rosalie asks

I nod my wolf head. I look at Sam and he nods to me.

I slowly get up and shake my ass in my men's face laughing.

I trot to the bushes and phase back. Putting on a shirt and skirt.

And I walk back out of the bushes. I stand between my mates and they stand slightly infront  of me.

"Bella! So good to see you." Carlisle says

"Wish I could say the same." I tell them

Unknowingly put my hands on my stomach, feeling the baby bump.

"What do you mean?" Emmett asks

"Alice has now twice payed with a visit. Each time with a needle. The first one, enhance sexual desire. The second one, to shorten a pregnancy down to a month." I say.

Everyone looks at me shocked.

I place a hand on my stomach, and I feel it kick making me smile. My boys snap out of it and they stand closer to me and more infront of me. I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Jake, help me onto Paul please, my feet hurt." I say

Jake lowers his head and I lightly step onto his muzzle and pull myself up easily onto Paul's back. I sigh in relief, no longer being on my feet.

Jake and Paul look between each other, and Jake steps more infront of Paul and I.

"Oh boys" I say laughing

"I don't know what Alice's intentions are. But all I can assume is that she's working with Edward" I tell them yawning from an exhausting day

"We are so sorry for our children's actions." Carlisle says

"Actions mean more then words." I say playing with Paul's fur

"I should be able to have a baby in 9 months, not in 1." I say getting angry till I feel Paul purr again, calming me down.

"Are we done here brother?" I ask Sam

"Yes bells." He responds nodding

"Goodbye Cullens" I say. Before Paul turns around and walks back towards the house with Jake by our side.

I lean into his fur and fall asleep. I soon awaken to my name being called, I slide off Paul's back sleepily, stumbling. But I'm pulled into Jakes steady arms.

I let out a yawn. And am soon placed into bed, and wrapped into loving arms.

"Your gonna be dads" I whisper smiling as I drift off into a peaceful slumber after a hards day of work and fighting.

I'm blessed to have family that love me and will do anything for us. The same I will do for them! No matter my past, all that matters is my family and my babies.

Hope you liked it!!!!

Baby Bella The Wolf PupHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin