Chapter 5

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There was a pause from the gathered court and even Odin looked shocked by the news. You waited with baited breath for the reactions, staring up the stairs to where Odin and Frigga were at the golden throne, the court was spread out behind you on either side of the aisle. You tried to ignore them while you waited for Loki's parents' reactions. Those were the important ones.

You and Loki had been married far less than the usual century before you were with child. Hell, it hadn't even been a decade. It usually took Asgardians a lot longer to procreate. There was a reason there wern't many children in Asgard. The long-lived race usually waited a lot longer before having children. It was generally really hard for the Asgardians to conceive. You would know, since you were the second best healer in the realm.

You were only the second best because you wouldn't challenge Frigga to determine which of you were truly the best healer in the realm. She could have the title. She was the queen after all.

Maybe Jotuns didn't have the same conception problem as Asgardians did. You'd have to ask Loki later. Though he probably didn't know any better than you did. He hated his heritage. He always had. He'd been raised to hate the Jotuns, even though he was one. That was entirely Odin's doing and neither of you had quite forgiven Odin for that section of bad parenting.

Frigga was shocked for a moment as well, but she snapped out of it first and ran down the stairs to hug you both around your necks. Thor and Sif stepped back out of the way. They didn't want to get trampled. Wise decision on their parts. "Congratulations, my darlings," she told you brightly as you both hugged her back and the court cheered and applauded. She was so excited at the prospect of a grandchild. You'd expected nothing less from her and you knew Loki was pleased beyond belief that his mother was glad for him. There was no escaping Frigga's warmth and caring. Not that you'd want to. Frigga was the embodiment of warmth and kindness and she could make anyone smile.

Including Odin.


You didn't think there was anything besides his wife in the nine realms that could make Odin smile, but as you were hugging Frigga, Odin came down from the throne to you. Frigga stepped back and you saw Loki stiffen slightly. He and Odin had never seen eye to eye and he was afraid that Odin would be upset now that you were pregnant. The child would be half-jotun and you weren't sure Odin could love and appreciate a half-jotun grandchild when he couldn't accept the jotun child he had adopted.

Loki couldn't imagine a reality in which Odin was proud of him and your heart broke for your Loki with that knowledge. You felt Loki's fear and touched his hand. Your fingers barely brushed the back of his cold hand, but it was enough. He gave you a tiny smile and you saw and felt him relax. You were with him and that's all that really mattered to him. He had never put much faith in what Odin had thought of him, his mother yes, Thor occasionally, but Odin had never approved of him.

It would still hurt him if Odin didn't care now.

You prayed that Odin would be civil about the fact that his grandchild would be half-jotun. For Loki's sake. You could care less what Odin thought of you. But Loki cared deeply what his adopted father thought and after all these centuries, after everything they'd been through, after all the lies and Odin's horrible parenting, Loki still wanted his father's approval.

The entire royal family watched and waited for Odin's reaction with baited breath. Would he actually be happy for his son? Or was this another moment he would ruin with his awful parenting? Frigga would kick his ass if he didn't react properly. Thor would as much as he could. But even if they did, it wouldn't fix the damage it would do to Loki if Odin broke his heart now.

Especially with Loki was being groomed for the throne.

Odin came over to the pair of you and actually gave Loki a smile. A real, true, smile. You actually saw his eyes light up with it. Odin was truly happy at the prospect of a grandchild. He wasn't faking. You and Loki would have both been able to see the lie if he was trying to hide his real emotions. Loki was the god of lies after all, and you spent too much time with Loki, some of his abilities had rubbed off on you. "Congratulations, my son," Odin told Loki with actual warmth to his tone and you felt the sigh of relief from Loki, Frigga, and Thor.

Odin hadn't broken Loki's heart.  

And actually seemed proud of his younger son. 

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