Chapter 15

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After the scare with the fever, Mama Frigga placed you on bedrest. Thankfully, it wasn't total bedrest. You were allowed to attend meals in the great hall and walk as far as the gardens and the library, but Mama Frigga had banned you from all work and all combat training.

She'd banned you from the life you were building in Asgard.

And you were bored.






You started to sound too much like Loki, who was whiny and caused mischief when he was bored. Your boredom and mischief were limited to what you could pull off without magic, at the moment, though. It was really limiting your options. Though Loki helped you play a couple of pranks on Thor to keep your spirits up. Especially on the days when you couldn't keep any food down.

Whoever named morning sickness should be killed (again) for giving it such a misnomer. The fucking thing lasted all damn day. And for days straight. Loki was supportive and tried to ease the symptoms as much as he could, but his healing skills were limited. So most of the time all he could do was rub your back, hold your hair, and make sure you had plenty of toothpaste in the bathroom.

The only thing you could reliably keep down was Mama Frigga's chocolate cake. The twins seemed to have gotten their father's sweet-tooth and loved their grandmother's chocolate cake more than anything.

Unfortunately, being without magic didn't leave you with a lot of options for entertainment. Your life fell into a routing: breakfast in the great hall with Loki's family, try not to throw up said breakfast on Loki's or Frigga's shoes, Loki headed to the throne room or wherever Odin was teaching him that day, you would stroll to the library to get new books and magic texts to study, lots of bedrest reading, and dinner in the great hall. Occasionally, you would stop by the practice courts to watch your friends practicing, especially Loki and Thor.

They had a tendency to practice shirtless and were both excellent specimens of the male form. Though you never had or would have romantic interest in Thor. He had adopted you as a younger sister when he rescued you from terrible foster parents. Plus, he was married to Sif now.

That didn't mean you couldn't appreciate the view.

Loki came over to you and kissed your cheek after he finished a match against Thor. He was still beautifully without his shirt and had a sheen of exertion that only added to his beauty. His hair was tied back for practice and you wanted to braid it. Only the lovelock braided with your hair hung loose. "Shouldn't you be resting, witchling?" he asked you gently when he stood in front of you. You could tell his voice was meant to be gently scolded. It came out lovingly exasperated. As per usual.

You gave him a far too innocent smile. "I am resting," you protested innocently. "I'm sitting in the shade, not moving, watching a very enjoyable show, and eating pastries," you indicated the basket of pastries sitting next to you. Pastries, like chocolate cake, were one of the few things the twins allowed you to eat.

"An enjoyable show, hmm?" Loki asked, preening like the peacock that he was, despite that he was preening to someone who was huge with twins. You don't know how you landed the attractive god, but you were beyond grateful for it. He placed a hand on your stomach as he leaned in to kiss you softly. "You're as beautiful as ever, my love," he purred, whispering the words just for you. "And only more attractive to me for the fact that you bear my children," he reassured you. He knew that you were struggling with your appearance with how big you'd gotten so quickly. You were amazed at how big the twins were already, though you realized that you shouldn't be.

You were carrying half-frost giants after all.

Giants were large by nature.

You made a mental note to bring up that fear to Mama Frigga the next time she brought you in to check up on you and the twins. It was getting to be a weekly occurrence, or more. She wasn't taking any risks with the royal heirs. You didn't blame her, of course. Especially with such a high-risk pregnancy. Ergo the bedrest you were supposed to be on.

You were distracted from your thoughts by one of the twins kicking Loki's hand, which was still on your stomach. Loki's eyes widened in shock. "Did they-?" he asked as he stared at his hand, which had just been kicked.

You gave him a warm smile, amused by how surprised he'd been. He knew as much about what to expect as you did. He'd done his reading after all. That didn't mean he was any more prepared to experience it than you were. "A new trick they just learned," you told him warmly, pleased that Loki had gotten to feel them kick at the same time you had. Loki lit up in absolute delight.

He leaned down to kiss you more deeply. "That is absolutely wonderful, witchling!" he beamed like a little kid in a candy store. You stood to kiss him again, though he got grumpy when you stood too long. You were supposed to be on bedrest after all.

You weren't surprised when the child kicked again.

You were both extremely surprised when you heard a tiny voice in your minds. /Mama! Papa!/ the voice called, though it should've been impossible.

The twins had magic already.

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