Review: Before & After

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Review: Before & After

Before we start, I should probably point out that reviewing really isn't my thing... I get too involved in the story and forget what I'm supposed to be doing! But I figured it was about time I wrote one of these things for TK, so here we go!

GenXblogger's 'Before and After,' is a superbly written short dystopian tale. It was actually written for ForbiddenPlanet's maiden SmackDown, a contest which the author in question went on to win, and deservedly so.

Chock full of humour and incredibly descriptive writing, 'Before and After,' is set in a world where a pandemic decimated the planet in 2018. Cities crumbled and fell into ruin. Many people thought that it was overcrowding in cities that allowed the disease to spread as quickly as it did so they abandoned those cities to live in forests and on farm land.

The story follows Mitz, an AFTER, meaning that she was born post-pandemic. AFTER's are treated very much like royalty, for they are the ones who will have to rebuild the world under the guidance of the Government, Medicore.

As part of a small military unit, Mitz is sent from ruined city to ruined city in search of a brilliant doctor's journal, but she and the unit soon discover, thanks to the doctor's grand-daughter, that there is more to the disease, and to Medicore, than meets the eye.

'Before and After,' is most definitely well worth reading, especially if Dystopian SF is your sub-genre of choice and even if it's not, the short is excellent and I'd say you're guaranteed to enjoy it!

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