My Last Mistake (03)

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I looked at the tiger across from me, my "caretaker" he refers to himself as. He was currently eating some sort of cooked desert creature, the same type of desert mammal currently inhabiting my mouth. I chomped on it, frowning at the bland taste.

'Ugh, at this point, I might as well eat the rations' I thought to myself, grimacing slightly. Though the rations tasted better overall and were probably more nutritious, I had to save and conserve them, for they were less numerous than the local wildlife.

"Do you have anything to make this taste better?" I asked, expecting a no. To my surprise, Xun suddenly pulled out a translucent white liquid within a freshly carved rock bowl. I looked at him questionably, asking 'where the hell did you even get that' with my eyes. He then pulled out some sort of dagger, with the same liquid on it.

"Plants" he answered simply, spinning the knife in between his large fingers. He sheathed the dagger, hiding it in some inexplicable place.

I took the bowl in my hands, lifting it up to my mouth. Xun looked at me in an odd manner, as if I was going to spit in it. I lifted it higher, hearing a very slight sigh of relief from Xun's general direction as I lifted it above my head. I looked upwards, opening my mouth. What I intended to do was in fact flavor the thick chunk of meat jammed in my mouth, and not what occurred next.

As the first few drops hit the inside of my mouth, the wind suddenly intensified.

It was just my luck, wasn't it?

The sauce splattered all over my facial features, from my chin to the bridge of my nose. Just a few swathes and streams of the stuff covered my face, dripping downwards as I tilted my head back to face the horizon, and furthermore, Xun. The stuff dripped down my chin and down my neck, with the other drops seeping into my mouth from other places the sauce hit. I attempted to cleanse my face by wiping some off with my finger and proceeding to clean that finger by sticking it in my mouth and sucking it off.

By the time I had licked off almost all of the offending substance, I noticed Xun across from me, a sweeping blush adorning is furry facial features. It looked as if he was captivated about something, but I was not too sure at this point. His legs were clamped together, with both of his arms between his legs as well, as if he were trying to hide... oh.

At this point, with the pen on my page, I had just imagined the image that he must've seen to insinuate such a reaction, and seeing a small human male licking a coincidentally white, translucent, gooey sauce off his face, using his fingers to wipe and lick it off, must've been quite the sight to him. Anyhow, back to the event at hand.

"Hey, bro, are you alright?" I asked, Xun looking at me timidly – is it even possible for a beast man of such massive proportions to even do that? – As he mumbled something in his language, his legs and body twitching a little as his arms tensed slightly. He sighed, blushing as he slowly shuffled himself into the cave.

"Do not disturb me." I heard him say as he entered the cave, his paws still locked between his legs.

Perhaps it was some sort of strange reaction?

I could not think of such things as I began to stare towards the flat desert, with hills and tiny shrubs decorating the otherwise barren landscape. The sky was cloudless, except for the few cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds decorating the sky, both wispy and small fluffy clouds, respectfully. I scanned the horizon, finding a tall stick lying in the sand. I quickly sat up and strolled over to it, analyzing it.

I shrugged, mostly to myself and partially to the imaginary camera as I picked it up, seeing it suit my needs. You see, reader, initially, I was going to carve my name and division into the wood, propping it upwards so hopefully some Sapien patrol would see it. I brought it back to the entrance of the cave, placing it in the sand. I felt around my body for my knife, finding none. 

'I left it in the cave' My thoughts grumbled, forcing my to walk into the cave. As I tried to walk in, I knocked the wood into the fire, setting it ablaze. 

That was great.

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