The Cathedral

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I was almost too stunned to do anything. The vulgar offer made me freeze in place, not understanding that this was really happening. That was until he touched me. Before I could think I slapped his hand off of me releasing my hair, a stinging feeling touching my skin.

"You disgust me." How dare he even insinuate such a repulsive idea. I was never guilty of practicing witchcraft and he knew this. He was the devil, using his personal influence to achieve his wishes.

"Some man of the church you are. If the head priest is this corrupt I can only imagine what other horrid atrocities you have caused."

"Before you think of turning me down imagine how much more difficult I could make things for you. Especially him." Was that a threat? I had to hold back the smile that threatened to make its way to my face.

"Try it. Even creatures like him cannot restrain themselves forever." I wanted him to know not to mess in our lives, that he would regret any action taken against me. He didn't realize how stupid he was about to be.

"Demons are nothing more than dirt Cirilla. You will find that every monster has a weakness." I wish I could say he was exaggerating in his every belief. But I truly sensed that he was mad. Every action he took he really believed in... doing all this is his own twisted way.

"That may be true. However, Raegon may not be human but at least he can own up to what he is. But you...." I scoff. "You represent everything your god wishes to destroy. Pretending that you have any right outside of humanity to perform your wishes."

There is silence between the both of us before I speak once more. "Accuse me of what you will, but I will never be yours." There isn't a hint of anger on his face, only amusement given my denial of what is to be.

"I think you will have a change of heart in the eyes of god." He walks past me with ease, taking his time as he makes his way to the door. I expected more of a fight from him, and was almost surprised that he exited so easily. But that was until I turned around hearing the footsteps of his men walking towards me briskly. I tried to make a run for it but was quickly grabbed, my arms being forced behind my back as I was being rendered helpless.

"Let go of me!" I yell as I struggle against there grip. It did nothing as I was pulled outside feeling the brisk cold air against my skin. The sun would be setting soon, as It had just started touch the horizon, causing the sky to turn a bright orange.

As they are starting to tie my hands behind my back I manage to free one arm, punching one of the men in the face who was holding me. It nearly broke my hand but I could see the damage done by how hard he fell back. I brought my fist back once more to fight but I was restrained before I was able to get another hit off.

Maggart gets on his horse, looking at his men before his eyes land of me. "Bring her to the cathedral. I will not take any more of this nonsense. You will find that i'm not a patient man Cirilla. I have my ways of making you see the light." I try to move foreword but the two easily pulled me back now fully on guard. The rope keeping my hands fully bound. Maggart scoffs at me attempt to fight him, and kicks off back towards the town.

The men around me gave me no time to figure out a plan, as they forced me to a brisk walk, tugging at me roughly making me grit my teeth. "I think you're being a little rough on an innocent woman." "Quiet" One of the men holding me says. "And to think you're so willing to do his bidding when you don't even know-" "I said be quiet." He bends my arm uncomfortably making me cry out slightly.

I lived out in the woods mainly for privacy, but it was close enough to the town that I would be able to conduct my business with the townspeople and any neighborhoods around. It took a while of walking, and my thoughts were elsewhere so I hardly paid any attention to the reality I was facing before me. But I was forced back to it when I heard shouting in the distance as the town came into view.

Even before we reached the town square I could hear the sounds of the large group of people gathered right before the cathedral. The streets had been bare up until this point, but that was because everyone was gathered here.

"Look! There they are!" I could feel my body hesitate to move further as I watched the countless faces and eyes turn to look at me. There was momentary silence, but I could see the realization hit their faces that I was the 'witch'. Each of their faces turned from surprised to disgust and anger.

"You traitor! Everyone! It's her! She's the witch!" One of the townspeople called out. "She's had this coming!" and "I knew it was her!" And as soon as it stopped the shouts demanding my death quickly rose as the crowd turned violent. "All this time! I knew something was strange about her. Nobody is that nice." I couldn't make out a single sentence anymore, as a few key words rung in my mind repeatedly. I was a traitor, a witch, a hindrance.

Trying to avert my eyes from the crowd I look up into the direction we were heading, and quickly notice the reason why everyone was gathered.

Maggart smiles seeing my entrance and looks to the people before announcing. "Bring the witch!" I tried to push away from wood pile but they easily pulled me foreword and onto the platform.

"My people!" Maggart calls raising his arms open to the crowd. "I have before me a witch!" There is a wide cheer from the people there, as they bind my wrists around the pillar behind me. I look around nervously at all the eyes on the scene before them. None of the people showed fear in their eyes, only excitement for what was to come.

"You know who she is. Cirilla Lena Duvernay. A witch who disguises her work as medicine!" I pull at the ropes glaring at him.

"What do we find upon inspection of her home? Books, directly linking her to witches!" There is a large cry of disgust from the crowd.

"Crests carved into the floorboards!" Another loud cheer from the people encouraging them further.

"Even human bones beneath the floorboards." He continues earning a large outcry from the people.

"Make her pay!"

"She tricked us!" The townspeople cry out.

"Documents speaking of her strategy to lie to the people, engraving her witchcraft in you all!" There were gasps from the people. "But this is no cause for concern. The devil can try to infiltrate us all but I assure you..." He trails off. "Once she burns you will be purified, rescued from anything she may have cursed you with!" The scream and cheer louder then before.

"We are stronger than any impurity and god will guide us!" Maggart turns to me one last time, the sinister look etched onto his face as he stands in front of me. I squirm in place wanting nothing more then to escape as I feel the ropes cutting into my wrist.

He leans in close to my face, where I could feel his breathing on my skin. "The time has come Cirilla. You stand before gods judgement, ready to face your fate. But even for you it is not too late. I can save you from the flames of this world, and the next." He reaches out and grabs my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "Chose me.... of the fire." I pull my face out of his hands and pull away from him.

"Don't you dare touch me again. You will burn." He pulled away in disgust, a snarling look on his face as he pulls away, raising his torch in the air.

"The witch refuses to recant despite my chances. She's put all of you at risk and will not grant you salvation. So I, in the name of the church and a man of god, grant you this freedom from fear!"

I look around at the crowd of people and hear the cheers.

"Die you bitch!"

"Burn the witch!" Cries another.

"There is only one fate left to someone who cannot admit their own devotion to the devil!"

I watch the torch in his hand, the fire reflecting in my eyes as he bends down, lighting the pile beneath my feet. A loud sound of cheers erupts from the crowd, waving their fists in the air.

"Yea! Give the witch what she deserves!"

"Hurry up and die!"

"Send your sins to the underworld!"

"Scream!" The countless people cheered for my slow death, taking enjoyment from my pain.

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