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I knew the fire was spreading quickly, the sound of the wood crackling growing more frequent. It didn't take long for the smoke to hinder my breathing, making any breath shallow and quick. I close my eyes and lean over, trying to inhale any last breath of fresh air I could manage. But it was short lived as my lungs started to cough, greedily wanting any way to breathe. The heat hadn't reached me yet, but I knew that alone would be short lived. I couldn't help but let my last thoughts go to him.... The sounds of the crowd started to fade, as he was the only thing I could think about now.

I gently reach foreword to wash the blood away from the wound. "Why are you acting so stubborn?" I look up at the man in front of me. In a way he was oddly alluring. Even though he had not let me see his face, I could still make out his defined jawline. His hair was messy, pieces of it falling from his face falling over his eyes. His large frame wasn't anything to scoff at either. Even though he was hunched against the tree I would have to be stupid not to notice.

"If you would have just let me do this an hour ago we would be done by now." When I had found him it was starting to sprinkle. We were underneath the cover of a tree but that would only last so long if it started to downpour. I wanted to ask what he was doing wandering about out here but I doubted he would give me an honest answer. Out of my own kindness I had forced him to listen to me and let me treat his wounds. No clue how I managed that one.

"I told you it would have been fine. I heal rather quickly." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him with the attitude dripping from his tone. When I found him walking about he had blood dripping from hid fingertips. Something like that is hard not to notice.

"You do realize that having a foul attitude doesn't make you immune to disease and sickness right?" I ask sarcastically. I would know. I had been feeling a little worse for wear myself with all the traveling. I felt like I was hardly ever taking a break. But I didn't have time for that. "If the wound is not treated it could get infected and be even worse later on. It's best to treat now." I say as I brought the cloth back down to his shoulder and continued to clean the wound. He only scoffs at this idea, as if he was somehow immune to human diseases. Typical macho man attitude.

His clothing was in shambles, holes everywhere showing he didn't care in the slightest of his appearance. I would have thought he was filth itself, only to find that underneath he was a well defined man. His body looked completely healthy except for the large cut across his chest. Without being too blunt about it I would say his body was more impressive than most.

"How long have you had this wound anyway? It looks almost fresh." I look closer at it trying to discern how he could have gotten it. He didn't seem like the talkative type so I doubted he would give me a genuine answer to where he got it from. I waited for an answer but never received one. I look up from his chest and glare at his face turned to look away from me.

Feeling my anger get the best of me I take the cloth and push it against his wound a little rougher then before, emitting a loud growl from his chest as he faces me.

"Fuck you lady! Are you trying to piss me off?!" I take the cloth away and fold my arms across my chest, able to look into his eyes since the first time I've met him. They were a light red color for a moment. But once he regained composure over himself the color soon faded. He must have noticed me looking at the red color in his eyes before he quickly hid it by looking away from me again.

"Is there a condition with your eyes too?" I earned a side glare from his direction. I only started training 6 months ago. Unfortunately herbs are something not a lot of people were familiar with, a new concept at this time. It was slow to learn these things when the information was limited and there was no one to teach me.

Unnatural Love- A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now