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Early update to the final chapter. I am going away all weekend so enjoy!

Raegon stood outside in front of the house, his mind trying to guard his emotions to keep them in check. His posture was stiff, arms folded across his chest as he waited. Raegon's eyes remained closed, resting himself as he could hear them coming closer. The sun had set now, the faint lights of their torches visible to the human eye. The fact that they disturbed his life for the second time in one night was disturbing. But once this was done both of us would move on. This time he would not hold his anger back. These pitiful humans would see what happens when they mess with his kind.

He opened his eyes only when they reached the open field towards the house, turning his head to see the small mob that had gathered despite his best warnings. Upon seeing him standing outside he could see the hesitation on many of their faces, but the men of the church only showed insanity. Raegon showed no fear. He had no reason to. Slaughtering this many humans would be a trivial matter.

His eyes scanned over them all, lastly landing on the man that he knew was the source of all this. The priest started to direct his words to him, but Raegon's thoughts were elsewhere as he was only thinking of his desire to kill Maggart. A burning hatred was burning inside of him as he felt his teeth sharpen.

"Looks like gods fortune has smiled on us today." He called out to the people behind him. "Two impurities have shown themselves. Not only did we find a witch but a demon as well." Raegon showed no humor in his face. He was used to humans plotting against him, but it was personal when she was targeted.

"Humans have called me many things over the years. Demon...monster... and satan were among the most common. But to be honest that's such an empty description of what I truly am." His eyes turned a deep red, earning a few gasps among the crowd. When the priest was about to speak again to ask his next question Raegon continued interrupting him. "I however am under no obligation to reveal my true self to you. Only my wife knows who I really am."

"How dare you-" Raegon interrupts, feeling no need to listen to participate in a pointless argument.

"Believe it or not before the restraint you see before you is limited. Before I met her I was much less tolerant towards your kind." His eyes scan the crowd. "I'm not very proud to remember the days before she came into my life. But thinking back I know that every one of the moments was necessary. It's no surprise when I mention my kind has never been particularly fond of humans.... I guess a woman can change thing's about a man that he himself never thought possible." Maggart's glare deepens as his hands ball into fists.

"I must admit, that before I met her my actions showed nothing but exactly what you humans consider a demon. The world was quite boring and always pissed me off. I made it my goal to observe every atrocity that would befall your species. Throughout time when thing's got slow I saw no harm in manipulating the situation to fit my needs." His eyes focus on Maggart firmly. "It never fails to surprise me how easily your kind can be manipulated. Just as you have discovered." Maggart felt his throat go dry, feeling all eyes on him now. He knew what we being implied, and couldn't let himself lose control of the situation.

"I'm in a terribly foul mood. I wouldn't want you to underestimate what I want to do." Raegon's voice deepens as he speaks, his eyes looking over every one of them. The mob was significantly smaller then before, probably consisting of those feeling a deep loyalty to the church. "Attack me once and I will not give you the generosity of your lives." His eyes glow slightly.

Maggart speaks up finally, not impressed by Raegon's words. Maggart believed it was all intimidation, a bluff if you will. "If your so strong beyond belief then maybe you would have killed me by now. The whole town if you will. I wondered what kind of man you were. Truly nothing much to see."

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