Human Being's

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Despite the long walk there, with Raegon's speed we were back to the home in minutes. Raegon used his shoulder to shift the already open door to the side, not bothering to close it behind him. He sniffed the room for a moment, able to smell the men who intruded. A sneer made its way to his face, quite displeased on how his home looked and the awful stench that accompanied it. His boots stepped throughout the house making their way to the bedroom, the glass crunching under this feet as he made no attempt to avoid it. His heavy figure walked through the silent house, causing it to echo in silence.

He released me for the first time, gently laying me on the bed. The spot next to me dipped down as he sat next to my form. I could practically feel his eyes moving all over my form, searching me over for any marks on my skin that hadn't been there when he left. His eyes saw no burns amazingly, but the smoke I inhaled had made breathing difficult. A soft sigh escapes his lips when he sees the rope marks on my wrists.

I opened my eyes slowly when I felt him make contact with my hand, looking up to see him gently kissing one of my wrists tenderly. The area where the ropes were burned slightly but it was nothing seeing the look on his face.

"I'm sorry love. This is one of the few times in my life I've wished I had the powers to heal." His voice sounded pained.

"Don't look at me like that." I say softly. "I'm fine."

"Hardly." His voice was a little rougher then moments ago as I could see a flash of anger cross his face. "I came home expecting to see you safe in my home. Instead I find the church about to crucify my wife." His voice started to lace with anger at there mere thought of them. I frown at him, knowing how difficult it must have been to restrain himself back there.

"That's enough..." I say quietly, slowly sitting myself up. He watched me cautiously unsure if I should be moving around. I moved slow at first, unsure the shape I was in. But I didn't feel any pain. I was a little surprised at first, but decided not to question it.

Once I sat up I turned to look him in the eyes but almost immediately he averted his gaze from me. This caught me off guard as this kind of behavior was strange for him.

"Raegon?" I ask my voice confused. I didn't realize it until I spoke, but there was a small hint of uncertainty in my voice. I reach my hand out to touch him but he immediately catches my wrist before I reached him. I felt my breathing hitch in my chest as the heaviness in my heart started to grow. Was my touch that repulsive to him? Moments ago he showed nothing but love. For a small second I started to feel doubt, and for the first time I was unsure what to do.

"I'm... I'm sorry I did this to you..." I whisper my voice quiet, looking towards my lap. I didn't want him to see the look on my face. I had already shown him enough weakness tonight. I should have done more to prevent this from happening. Whether it of been resisting Maggart or finding a way to escape.

He did not let go of my wrist, not giving me an opportunity to pull away from him. I half thought about forcing it until I felt his lips touch my skin yet again. My eyes snapped back to look at him.

"Don't ever blame yourself for another's foolishness. Their actions do not reflect on you." he spoke against my skin, his breath causing warmth to my wrist. Raegon's eyes remained closed in this moment, savoring the touch of my skin. But once he felt my gaze return his eyes opened momentarily to look into mine.

"I don't ever want to hear such words from your lips again." His voice was firm, as I felt any shred of doubt in him leave. I felt ashamed momentarily for thinking such thoughts, so I can only give him a small nod in agreement.

My agreement causes him to smile, as he takes my hand and holds it to his cheek, his hand not moving from mine. A pleased look was evident on his face as he took the moment for himself. Enjoying my presence of being here with him. He was grateful to see me alive and safe next to him, where I belonged. He physically relaxed against my touch, leaning into my hand slightly. He closed his eyes, breathing in my smell.

Unnatural Love- A Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now