Chapter 3 - The Sinner

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You are a sinner.
We are all sinners.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glorious standard of God. (Romans 3:23)

Inasmuch as the Holy God wants to get close to you,
Your sins are blocking his attempt to have a relationship with you.

These sins will separate you from Him in your lifetime. And ultimately in death you will be separated from Him eternally.

For the wages of sin is death.. (Romans 6:23)

That is the payment for your sins.. You die physically and spiritually.

As a sinner, while you are physically alive you are spiritually dead.

And when you die physically you will forever be damned in hell and separated from Him, your Maker, your Creator, the greatest lover.

You will forever be out of love. For you are separated from the author of love.

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