Part 13: Sober

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Yoongi didn't know why or how he got himself into the position he was in but somehow he did and now he was questioning everything.

He made his way to the devils den like Hoseok had told him too but instead of being met by Hoseok when he got to the top of the stairs, he was met by a bouncer at the bottom who was very sceptical of Yoongi.

Yoongi had been patted down twice from two different people and interrogated for twenty minutes straight asking stupid things like "How would you describe yourself?" And "How do you know Satan?"

And apparently everything he said was wrong because he was asked again repeatedly.

Hoseok ended up coming down before Yoongi was let up and couldn't help but laugh when he saw the bouncers interrogating Yoongi.

"You two can go. He's cleared to come up." Hoseok said getting a nod from the two men who stepped to the side for Yoongi to walk past.

Yoongi just sighed before making his way up the steps to get to Yoongi and he swore he heard one of them say "Didn't we get told that he'd be a bottom?" As he walked up the stairs but he ignored it.

They entered Hoseok's very expensive and lavished pent house and Hoseok lead Yoongi over to the very large C shaped couch where they sat together.

They sat there in silence for a moment as Yoongi looked around the room in shock before Hoseok broke the silence chuckling before saying "Hey."

"Hi." Was all Yoongi said completely in shock and amazement, especially when he noticed the grand piano.

Hoseok noticed so asked "Do you play?" Which caused Yoongi to snap out of his daze.

"No asking me questions. Today is about you."

Hoseok chuckled slightly at the seriousness in Yoongi's voice but shrugged it off as he leaned back in his chair before asking "Do you remember the rules kitten?"

Yoongi was about to say something, probably trying to get Hoseok to not call him kitten, but stopped just nodding in response.

Hoseok smiled at not being told to stop before saying "Ask away." Leaving it open for Yoongi.

Yoongi pulled out his phone reading something before asking "Why do you act intimidating to some but kind and sweet to other people?"

Hoseok was impressed expecting questions like what are your hobbies and what's your favourite colour.

He thought for a moment debating if he should be honest but vague or brutally honest since he left the rules of the game slightly open.

For some reason he trusted Yoongi even though they'd only met twice so he decided to be blunt.

"It's the role I was brought up and taught to be even if it isn't who I really am. Apart of it is me but I'm not a bad guy like people sometimes think I am, misinterpreting me. People also don't take me seriously if I don't and won't do with my role in the large schemes of things so I act like this to live up to the image made for me but the people I know properly or trust get to see the other part of me."

Yoongi asked "You trust me?" In disbelief but Hoseok just chuckled saying "You do my dare now, not ask another question."

Yoongi nodded and prepared himself as a small smile made its way on his face due to the friendly way Hoseok spoke to him and the soft chuckle he emitted.

"I dare you to come and cuddle with me." Hoseok said holding his arms open with a heart shaped smile.

Yoongi would've normally said fuck off if it was anyone else but if he were to let anyone cuddle with him, not for emotional support, it would be the handsome man who's kind acts were working their way into his heart.

Yoongi got up and sat in a similar position as they did in the car before asking his next question.

"Are you as much of a fuck boy as the media makes you out to be?"

Hoseok scoffed at the bluntness but wasn't surprised that Yoongi was so straight forward.

"No. I admit I'm a flirt when I want something with potential business partners if their single but I'm not the fuck boy who will let anyone get into his pants like the media make me seem. I'm more of a cuddler than anything else but I wouldn't do that with just anyone since it's soft and doesn't go with my image."

Yoongi blushed lightly at the last part and hid his face by looking down so Hoseok couldn't see it.

"I dare you too stop hiding your face~" Hoseok sang and chuckled knowing exactly what Yoongi was doing.

Yoongi sighed before slowly looking up again with a sad pout.

Hoseok lightly kissed Yoongi's head as he said "Cutie." Causing Yoongi's blush and pout to grow more intense.

"Why are you so... affectionate?"

"I'm not typically but I have a few acceptions. Two of which are like my sons and one being my cuddly hyung. And then of course there's you, my cute, lost kitten." Hoseok said running his fingers through Yoongi's hair.

Yoongi blushed again but leant into the touch and waited for Hoseok's dare since he knew he had to wait his turn before his next question.

Hoseok took his time coming up with a dare enjoying the position the two were in and not wanting to ruin it.

"I dare... you... too... use your detective skills... anddd... find out... what... myyyy.... favourite thing to do is?"

Apart of Yoongi's sarcastic ass wanted to say 'me' but he didn't have the balls when around Hoseok to do it so instead he thought practically before replying "Cuddling." Since he seemed so eager for it.

Hoseok looked down and nodded his head before making eye contact with Yoongi saying "Consider me impressed Mr Detective."

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