Chapter Six

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Janis' POV

I watched in disbelief at the weird murder theory briefing happening in front of my own eyes.

With (y/n) too, I never pinned her as the type to be into that stuff. Tyler and Marwan normally just ranted to each other, and now (y/n) was gonna be involved in all THAT drama.

I kinda felt a twinge of pain in my chest, so small I hardly noticed. I think it was at her talking so passionately to other people. Why couldn't she rant to me about Heathers or the Axe-Man guy who killed people with their own axes or whatever it was she liked?

It just made no sense, I could totally listen to her and learn about all this to impress her.

Maybe I would do that, actually. That was a pretty solid idea compared to my usual "bury them both six feet under" ideas.

I thought about her face lighting up when I talked about Be More Chill or some cool death years and years ago. She'd get so excited and smile so wide, and she'd hug me and rant for an hour and I'd just watch her pretty face-

Woah, Janis, getting into creepy crush territory here. We're not going there, she's totally straight and not into me. She'd probably rather date Tyler than me, and he hadn't showered in three days. He likes to announce it on SnapChat.

"Earth to the bestie," Dames waved a hand in front of my face and I realized I'd been staring off into space for longer than socially acceptable. People at the table were looking over at me in concern.

They probably figured I'd stayed up til 4am studying for some test again. Even though it was the first day back. The logic was flawed, but understandable.

"Oh, shit. Just got lost in thought, dude." I said awkwardly, my eyes darting to (y/n) before returning to Damien. I saw a smug look spread across his face.

"Lunch is ending soon, so get ready to leave. Just like my dad," he joked and I punched his arm softly.

The bell blared and we all got up to leave. Cady went over to Tyler and Karen, having the same next class together, and Damien was looking at (y/n)'s schedule to help her get to class. I approached them and looked over her shoulder and gasped.

"Hell yeah! You're in my next period!" I exclaimed. Big excited gay energy in this cafeteria on this mediocre Wednesday afternoon. She turned to face me, eyes lighting up.

"Great, I'm not all alone like I thought. Thank the McFucking lord," I sighed in relief. She was really cute when she was relieved, did I mention I was gay?

I was super hella gay.

"Yeah, now, allow me to show you to our class, m'lady," I joked in a posh British accent, taking her hand to kiss her knuckles. Her eyes widened and a blush spread like wildfire on her face.

"Let us be off!" She declared in the same accent. We smiled at one another and took off to class.

I remembered that one of the few open seats in class was directly in front of me, so I hoped that she'd get placed there instead of across the class or somewhere next to an asshole like that Kyle guy. I swear, every white boy named Kyle is an asshole who doesn't know what deodorant is. And people wonder why I'm gay.

I don't know how straight girls stand those assholes. My heart went out the decent ones honestly. Like (y/n).

And I was getting distracted again, and almost walked past our class.

"Oh, here it is! The teacher should be at his desk, which is in the back because, like, science or something." I told her, making jazz hands at the door. I never made jazz hands. Jeez, Damien must have been rubbing off on me a little bit. Stab me with a spork.

*Time Skip brought to you by the choreography to Big Fun being amazing and hilarious*

On second thought, maybe (y/n) sitting in front of me wasn't a bright idea. I was at home, trying to do the homework. But I didn't remember even vaguely what the lesson was about today. I was just staring at the back of her head and daydreaming.

I needed to get over this dumb crush soon or else my grades would suffer even more than normal. And I wasn't exactly very smart or good at school in the first place. Now I'd fail and my parents would get mad and my life would be over and even if she was gay she wouldn't like me because I was a lovesick idiot!

(y/n)'s POV

I sighed, staring helplessly at the math homework laid out in front of me. I always hated math, so I was never even vaguely good at it. I also didn't have the numbers of any of the four mathletes, despite how often Cady and I hung out since I lived next to one of her best friends.

Why was this my life? I decided I might as well send Damien a text asking if he was decent at math. I opened up our text conversation and chuckled at his contact name I'd given him. Gay Neighbor. It was mainly funny because I too, was gay.

  Gay Neighbor

you up?

yeah, it's only like 8:30, why?

do you per chance know any
of the material in math and
have a desire to help your bud

god (y/n) you know
gays can't do math

but i'll text Cady and
tell her to help you

why didn't you ask
her, btw?

  i would but i don't
have her number

well we can't have that

i'll give you her number, it's

(insert random phone number here)

thanks a ton my sweet bitch

of course my dear

ew we're both gay that's gross

you're gay?!?

ye, why?

oh, no reason. you single?

i think i know someone
who be interested
in dating you

ye im single, ttyl

(1024 words)

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