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Outro ass

JH: So..who tops in Jikook?

Bun🐰: me

JH: then fucking act like it

JM: and that's coming from hoseok


TH: yeah I would totally think jimin is the dom in the relationship

Bun🐰:hOw??? He looks like an actual bean uwu

TH: that's very much true but he most certainly isn't a lil bitch

Bun🐰: you callin me a lil bitch?

TH:  the fuck?? Yes hoe

TH: you screamed because you saw a fly

Bun🐰: ok but you have to admit that was one big ass fly

Bun🐰: like for a minute I thought it was a

YG: y'all hear the crickets?

SJ: Jungkook makes me sad

JH: you're not special he makes me sad too

JM: Jungkook just makes all of us sad

YG: ok listen up bitches

HS: no one wants to fucking hear you go all heart eyes for Taehyung

YG: ok but y'all can't hear shit cause we fucking texting

SJ: gEt ReKt bOi

TH: shut up jin

YG: there he is^^^

YG: my king💕

JM: y'all make me siCk🤮

Bun🐰: ^



jkjk ily three readers so fucking much uwu

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