Chapter One ~ Welcome to South Korea

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Chapter 1 - Welcome to South Korea

"We are now pulling up to the gate at Incheon International Airport. We hope you've had a wonderful flight and enjoy your stay in South Korea." The voice of a stewardess echoed through the loud speaker.

"Finally," I sighed, sitting up in my seat. Stretching, I looked down the aisle and waved for a stewardess to come over. "Do you have the time?"

She nodded and looked at a watch on her left arm. "One twenty."

"Thanks. Oh," I remembered what I wanted to ask for earlier. "Do you by any chance sell English to Korean dictionaries?"

"We do. Would you like to purchase one?" I nodded. "I'll be right back." I watched her turn around and travel back down the aisle and past the bathroom. She disappeared into the stewardess area and returned a few seconds later holding a book.

"This is a Korean to English dictionary. There's an English to Korean section in the second half." She handed it to me and I smiled back. After quickly looking through it I looked back up at her and asked if I could pay for it with U.S. money.

"Course," She answered taking out her phone. After pressing a few buttons, she looked back at me and said, "Converted, the price would be $10.50 with tax."

I pulled out the money from my pocket and handed it to her. After thanking her I decided to skim through the dictionary while I waited for the plane to come to a full stop. I know how people rush to get off a plane once they arrive at the gate. I just relax and wait for everyone else to get off before me.

"An-yang, an-yan-eh-say-ohh," I practiced hello and smiled. Nana used to say that to me whenever she came over. I miss her... She's the reason I'm moving to Korea. "An-yan-eh-say-oh."

"Anyanehsayoh to you," A cute guy sitting in the aisle seat across from me said suddenly, smiling. "First time visiting South Korea?"

"Yeah." I admitted. He nodded.

"With time it'll become easier and easier to learn." He said just as the plane stopped moving.

"We have arrived at the gate. May everyone sit down. The passengers in first class will be allowed to exit the plane first." A stewardess explained. A lot of passengers in first class stood up and began to retrieve their bags from the top compartment. I grabbed mine from under my chair, placed the dictionary inside, grabbed it, and walked down the aisle to the front. A line had formed to exit the plane.

"Have a great day." The stewardess who had sold me the dictionary said.

"You, too." I said before walking out of the plane and through the long corridor. Finally reaching the entrance of the gate, I looked around and smiled.

Following the signs, I made my way through to the security station and then to passport check. Then, I walked straight through the luggage pickup station; my parents helped ship some boxes with the rest of my wardrobe to my nana's old apartment. Now it's mine.

I felt my phone vibrate against the lining of my bag. Pulling it out, I saw my mother's name appear in the caller ID. I received a text from her.

Don't panic if you see a man holding a sign with your name on it. I hired him to escort you to the apartment. Don't hesitate to ask him for anything. Be safe!

I couldn't help but sigh. Course mom would hire someone to escort me.

Keeping my eyes peeled, I walked outside and around for the guy. Just as I was about to hail a cab I heard someone call my name.

“Sara Parks?” The voice asked from behind me. It sounded familiar. That’s because it was. When I turned around I saw the guy who had been sitting next to me on the plane carrying a sign under his arm. My name was written on it in big, bold black letters. A faint smile crossed his face. He looked a lot taller than he did before. He rolled up the sign and tucked it under his arm.

“Welcome to Korea.” He greeted politely before flashing me a wide, sincere-looking smile.

What am I in for?


Song in video:

See You Again by SeeYa

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