Chapter Five ~ One Problem Down, A Million More To Go

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Chapter Five ~ One Problem Down, A Million More To Go

I don’t know when I fell asleep but I did. When I woke up I found John in the kitchen boiling a kettle of water. I was going to ask him what time it was but he looked blank, his eyes focusing on the kettle in frustration. Crap, he’s probably still upset about earlier.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized. John looked at me for a brief second before turning around and grabbing a tea cup from the cabinet behind him.

“For what?” He asked, turning off the stove. Placing the cup to the side, he placed a tea bag in it (I have no idea where he found that) and poured the steaming hot water inside.

“Never mind…” I looked around the kitchen and living room, scanning for my bags. I remember him taking them somewhere-

“Last room down the hallway,” John said out-of-the-blue, not bothering to look up at me as he stirred his tea. “I placed your bags on the bed.”

“Oh, thanks.” I said softly as I rushed down the hallway in search of my stuff. I nearly fainted when I saw the room. The room has to be at least twenty feet high with glass windows and a view to die for. The floor's mahogany and the walls are white like the rest of the suite, but there aren't any stills on display. Instead, there's a huge painting hanging from the wall behind the bed. It's abstract and colorful. It doesn't fit, though. It belongs in a museum.

Walking over to the bed, I sat down and felt the covers before reaching out for my laptop case. Unzipping it, I pulled the laptop out and started it up. As soon as the screen opened, I checked for Wi-Fi and selected the hotel server. I logged onto Skype and checked the time on my phone. 8:47 PM.

Wow, I was asleep for over 4 hours... I don't know if my family's up right now, though. It's seven in the morning over there. I can still check.

As soon as I saw my mom's account on I requested video chat. I ran my hands through my hair and placed my laptop on my lap. Mom's face popped up after a few seconds.

"Morning." I greeted. Mom smiled brightly, her brown eyes large and glossy. She looked half awake and unusually messy with her bed-head and makeup-less face.

"Afternoon. How's everything?" She asked, sounding interested.

"Good... Things would be a lot better if you'd told me about, oh, let's see, everything," My mom smirked and looked at me with puppy eyes. Her cheeks blushed a bit. "You should have warned me."

"Warned you? You make it sound like you’re trapped." She shook her head and folded her arms across her chest.

"I am," I said a little too loudly. Mom gave me a shocked face. I shrunk a little. "And there's nothing I can do."

"Honey, I didn't feel like it was my place to say anything... So, you're going to stay?"

"Yes. I have to try. By the way, do you know who Miss Choi is?"

"Nana's lawyer-"

"Is Sara on?" I heard my brother scream as he rushed to the computer and squeezed into the view.

"Hey," I waved hello and saw a smile form at his lips. That's when I noticed something on his ear. "Holy- Is that an earring I see? It can't be. Or can it?" I said melodramatically to see how mom and Alex would react. Appalled, mom pulled on his ear and made him turn his head.

"Ow!" Alex's face scrunched up in pure pain as mom examined his left ear.

"Aish! How many times must I tell you earrings are for girls? Go take it out before your father sees." She let go of his ear, fuming mad. He flashed me a pissed look before turning around and stomping away. Just as he was a foot from view, he stopped and stuck the finger at me. Classy.

"Before I see what?" Dad's groggy voice echoed as he stopped in front of Alex and stared at him.


"Oh, that... Pretty," Dad patted Alex and walked towards mom, chuckling to himself before kissing mom on the forehead. I could see Alex's eye twitching in annoyance, glaring back at me. As soon as dad saw me his eyes lit up. "Morning, honey. How's Japan?"

Mom and I stared at dad in disbelief. Japan? "I'm in South Korea, dad."

"South Korea, Japan, same thing," He shrugged, grinning. Dad's sarcastic sense of humor always shocks me. "I'd love to chat but I've got to get ready for work."

"Coffee's on the stove," Mom instructed dad before patting him to leave. She sighed when she looked back at me. "How are John and you getting along?"

"Okay," I lied, shifting in my seat. "He seems nice."

"Uh oh, I know that look," Mom tilted her head and got in closer to the camera. Her face blurred a bit. "What's wrong?"

"I sort of promised that I'd go to school for a year so I can take the citizenship test. I think he's upset."

"Oh, don't worry. He'll get over it," Mom said matter-of-factly. "He's not one to hold grudges."

"Sure," I said slowly, not knowing what else to say. Looking back the entrance of my room, I saw John standing in the hallway, waiting patiently with a tray in his hands. Awkward moment. “I’ve got to go. I'll chat you later. Bye mom."

"Onyong." My mom waved just as I canceled chat and logged out of Skype. John tapped the door frame with his left elbow.

"In the mood for some green tea?" He asked politely, his face blank.

"Yeah... Can we talk?" He nodded and strolled casually into my room. I shut my laptop, placed it in its case, shoved it to the side with my other bags, and patted for him to sit. He placed the tray in between us and sat near the edge of the bed.

"I'm sorry about earlier. I should have kept my mouth shut-"

"Please," He lifted his right hand and stopped me. "Don't apologize. It's not your fault the legal system is so slow."

"Still," I shrugged my shoulders. "I never realized how this would affect you. It was selfish of me."

"Extremely," He smirked, clearly making fun of me. I chuckled and picked up the cup of tea. "But I'll get over it. I'm not one to hold grudges." I choked on the tea and swallowed it, enduring the pain as the tea scorched my throat. John smiled evilly.

"Hey..." I put down my tea and folded my arms, angry with him. He just laughed. As much as I wanted to be mad at him I couldn't help but smile. "We good?" With a swift nod he answered me.

I didn't know if he was being honest or not but he looked sincere. Not questioning him any further, I enjoyed the rest of my tea while John looked out the windows. I placed my cup on the tray once I was done and watched as John left with the tray.

"Oh, Sara," John walked back to the doorway and stare at me. "I made an appointment for your audition into Benja High for Monday at 11."

"Audition?" I asked, confused. Since when do you need to audition to go to school?

"Singing, dancing, playing an instrument? If you're talented they'll take you. Prepare yourself." He explained before walking away.



Song in the video is "How nice would it be" by Lunafly. I think they're a new group ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2012 ⏰

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