Chapter Four ~ One Big Mess

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Chapter Four ~ One Big Mess


“It’s time to find out why we’re here,” He began to walk across the hall and towards them before I could register what he meant. Why we’re here?

Rushing to catch up, I slowed down when John came to a stop a few feet from them. “Miss Choi?”

The woman looked up at John and nodded hello before standing up. The guy next to her stood up and bowed before extending his hand for us to shake. Miss Choi offered me her hand and I shook it out of respect.

“Jun-suh, how nice to see you. It’s been a while.” She greeted, nodding her head. Jun-suh?

“Yes, a very long while,” He smirked, bowing his head an inch forward. “Would you like to go somewhere more private to discuss the matter?” She nodded and John turned to lead us back toward the elevator.

Another awkward elevator ride accompanied by flute music.

Going to the suite, I walked behind John and Miss Choi, next to her guy friend-person. Who are these people? How do John and Miss Choi know each other? Most importantly, what the heck are they doing here?

“Not a thing has changed,” Miss Choi remarked as she looked around the suite and walked straight into the living room area and sat down at the couch. The guy sat beside her while I stood and watched as John shut the door and made his way past me to join them. He nodded for me to follow. “I guess we should get down to business, yes?”

“Certainly.” John said as I sat down in the armchair.

“Miss Parks,” Miss Choi called my name. I looked at her. “We are here to discuss your grandmother’s will. According to the documents, your grandmother left everything in your name. All her properties, investments, stocks, money, furniture, jewelry, and company are to be yours.”

For a few seconds I was speechless.

“What-what do you mean?” I felt my heart began to pound. I clutched the arms of the chair.

“Your grandmother left you everything,” Miss Choi picked up a suitcase and opened it, pulling a yellow envelope out. She handed it to me. I slowly reached for it and, finally when I had hold of it, looked at her. “Sara, you are the heiress to the Parks family fortune.”

Staring up at John, I felt my heart sink through my stomach. He looked just as shocked as I felt.


“I don’t want any of it,” I stood up and offered her the envelope back. She looked surprised, bewildered and confused. The guy just watched with a poker face. “I really don’t.”

“It’s not yours yet.” She said a little too loudly.

“What is that supposed to mean?” John asked, her nostril flaring.

“Her grandmother’s last wish,” She opened the suitcase and pulled out a folded piece of paper. She handed it to John which he gladly took and read. “Must be fulfilled.”

I watched John’s emotions change as he read the letter. By the time he was finished, he sighed and handed me the letter.

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t want any of it-”

“Sara,” John called my name, grabbing my attention. From the sad look in his eyes, I felt like I’d let him down. “You have to fulfill her last wish. It’s what she wanted.”

“What wish?”

“She asked for you to become a Korean citizen.” He placed the letter on the arm of my chair and stared at the ground.

“A Korean citizen?” Miss Choi nodded as I opened the letter. Most of it was in Korean except for the P.S.

P.S. If Sara is reading this, I’d like to say that I am sorry I wasn’t able to see you grow up into the beautiful young woman you are. I will always love you.

“Is it possible?” I asked, shutting the letter and forcing back tears. Miss Choi nodded with a faint smile. John looked up at me, his brown eyes searching my face.

“Yes, very much so. I was able to contact your mother a few months ago and ask if she was still a South Korean citizen. She said she was and agreed to helping. It can take years to become a citizen, though. That’s the only issue, time.” Miss Choi looked up at John.

“That’s not the only issue,” John pointed out, bringing his hand to his forehead. “If her mother is a citizen it will take much longer to get citizenship because she needs to live here for at least 5 years and be at least 20 years of age. Also, she’d have to receive formal schooling-”

“Jun-suh,” She said his name calmly but looked his way with fire in his eyes. “Leave me to stress. Remember, I have many connections with the Korean Immigration Agency. Do not forget that Mrs. Parks’ was an extremely powerful woman. She helped to build industry throughout South Korea. She created nearly a million jobs and furthered the banking industry. Without her many businesses would have never came to be.” Miss Choi said, rising from her seat. John exhaled a deep breath and looked at Miss Choi intensely.

“I’ll attend school,” I rose, interrupting them before they could further the argument. Everyone looked at me with mixed emotions. “Learn as much as I can and get tested. That make everybody happy?”

Miss Choi smiled friendly and the guy besides her folded his arms, casting me a smug grin.

“You’re eager to learn. There’s the Korean blood coursing through you,” Miss Choi rose and locked her briefcase. She walked over to me and nodded. I returned the nod silently, thinking of what I’d just done. “I must get going. I’ll keep in touch.” Her guy partner stood, grabbed the briefcase from Miss Choi and bowed before leading her out. John followed behind, wrinkles forming on his forehead.

When he shut the door, he turned around and looked at me, clearly exhausted. I wanted to say something, apologize (for something), lie, anything, but he picked up our bags from the floor and walked down the right hallway, disappearing into the shadows.

What a mess… Now if only I could clean it up.


Song in the video:

Day by Day by T-ara *the member who sings the rap isn't in the group anymore...

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