Chapter Three ~ Why We're Here

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Chapter Three ~ Why We’re Here

"This," I stepped into the suite, looked around and back at John. "Was my grandmothers?" He nodded and chuckled.

"Now it's yours." He explained, slipping off his shoes and closing the door. Wait? This is mine?

The suite's fully decorated with ultra-sleek, modern wooden furniture, an open kitchen with stainless steel appliances and dark wood floors. There are beautiful black and white stills framed and hanging all over the apartment. I recognize some of them from my mother's high school photography portfolio.

"I don't understand."

"What do you mean?" John looked at me with a confused look as he walked over to the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"My parent's never told me about any of this," I walked over to the living room area and sat down on the couch. Looking across the room, I stared out the windows and soaked in the vista. "I barely knew my nana..."

"Your grandmother was a very smart woman," John appeared next to me with two glasses of water. Offering me a glass, I took it and nodded thanks. He walked over to the windows and smiled. "I had the luck of working with her... She pushed and pushed, worked till the very day she passed. She was a very strong woman."

"I didn't know her," I admitted, sipping some water. It didn't taste right. "I was eight when she died... What exactly did my grandmother do?"

"She brokered stocks for private clients, invested in companies and hotels. She had a talent with numbers." He drank some water and continued to stare out the windows for a minute. His eyes scanned the city, over buildings and people, like he was searching for something, someone.

"Did you know my grandfather?" He looked over his left shoulder and nodded before looking back.

"What was he like?"

"You really want to know?" He asked as he turned around. I nodded and he sighed in frustration, his free hand running through his jet-black hair.

"He was a very quiet, mysterious man. I didn't really see him a lot... He did love your grandmother, though. She was the only person he ever smiled in front of... Your grandparents were a fascinating couple."

"I bet." A smile formed at my lips. This is the most I've learned about my grandparents from anyone.

My mother never spoke about her parents unless something reminded her of them. One time, when my mother was dusting a vase in the living room, she said out loud, "Nana gave this to me when I had you. She said the lilies reminded her of when she had me. I was a Spring baby." That's the most she every spoke of nana that I can remember.

"There's a lot you don't know," John turned around and sat down in the arm chair adjacent to the couch. "In time, you'll find out more about them... You hungry?"

As if my stomach had heard John it growled in reply. Embarrassed, I nodded and laughed with him. Standing up, John motioned for me to follow him. As soon as John opened the door the bellhop fell forward and to the floor. I rushed to help him up and see if he was hurt. John shook his head in shame and said something in Korean. The bellhop apologized and went straight to placing our bags inside. We waited for him to finish up and leave to eat.

We went down to the lobby and through the back hallway past what looked like a spa. A tall, young Korean woman tightened her bathrobe around her as John and I passed. I couldn’t believe how white she was.

We arrived at the hotel restaurant, Banyan Tree Grill and Restaurant, and were immediately seated by a young woman. She bowed and greeted us with, “Anyanesayeoh,” before John spoke to her. She smiled politely at me and spoke to John before leading us to a table by the back window. The vista was incredible.

“Enjoy.” She said in English, surprising me. I was about to thank her when she walked away. There were already menus for lunch on the table. The menus were translated in both English and Korean which was great.

“What’s shabu shabu?” I asked, my mouth watering as I read the description.

“It’s, like, a boiling broth soup with vegetables and rice. You cook slices of beef in this spicy broth. It’s really good.” He said, his eyes widening. Placing my menu on the table, I looked up at him.

“I’d really like to try that.”

“You want to share?”

“Sure.” I smiled. John looked around and searched for the waitress.

“We-tea-dah-suh,” He called across the restaurant. She turned around and walked across the floor to us. “Ooh-di nun chun-chu-bee. Shabu Shabu sei-gul-gee ull.”

She wrote down something on her a notepad and nodded before walking away with our menus.

“Were you born here?” I asked. John nodded and smiled.

“Yes. I moved to America when I was thirteen and studied English throughout high school and college. I majored in English and decided to study here for business.”

“That’s cool.”

“Do you know what you want to do?”

“Not yet,” I admitted, looking through the windows. “So, you’re a linguist?”

“Not exactly,” He grinned. I looked back at him. “I only know Korean, French and English. I don’t study languages for a living… I’m more of a body guard.”

“A body guard? My mother told me you were-”

“An escort? I am,” He leaned forward and smiled. “I’m whatever I’m paid to be.”

“That’s why you asked for two room keys… You’re staying with me because my parents paid you to watch me?” I don’t know why but I felt shocked and angry about that.

“Yes,” He waved his hands for me to calm down. Apparently he could tell I wasn’t happy with that. “Think of me as your right hand man. I’ll always be available if you need me to get you something or take you somewhere. I can even teach you Korean if you like.”

Frustrated and confused, I folded my arms and looked at him. Just as I was about to speak I saw our server heading towards our table with a platter. She quickly arrived at our table, placing the platter on the one behind John, opened the cover from a stove in the middle of our table and placed the pot on it before turning on the gas. She placed several bowls with different vegetables, a pot of steaming brown rice, and a big bowl of raw sliced beef between John and I.

“Sul-gee-sees ah-me-dahh,” She said to John nodding. She turned to me and smiled. “Enjoy.” I awed in utter amazement at the feast before us. There’s enough food to feed an army.

“Dig in.” John said as he picked up long metal chopsticks from besides his plate and picked up a slice of beef. I watched as he dunked the beef into the broth and moved it around for a minute before pulling it out to reveal cooked beef-deliciousness. He ate the beef and smiled.

That was one of the best meals of my entire life.

John paid the bill (he insisted) and promised that we’d be coming back for more soon. As we entered the lobby, John tapped my shoulder and nodded toward a woman and man sitting next to each other in business suits.


“It’s time to find out why we’re here,” He began to walk across the hall and towards them before I could register what he meant. Why we’re here?

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