Chapter Two ~ Home, Suite Home

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Chapter Two ~ Home, Suite Home

"The car's on its way," He announced looking at my bags. "Would you like some help with those?"

"No, it's okay. They're not heavy." He nodded and looked towards the street. Seconds later a sleek silver mustang pulled up to the curb.

"Our ride." He motioned. Opening the back door, he looked back at me with a smile. I took that as I was supposed to go in so I did. The next thing I know we're driving down the highway into Seoul.

"My bags-" I suddenly noticed they weren't with me. Did I leave them at the airport? I don't remember putting them down.

"I put them in the trunk for you," He called from the front passenger seat. "By the way, I'm John."

For the rest of the ride I shut my eyes and wondered what my family's doing right now. My time on the clock of my phone said 2:34pm.



"Do you know what the time difference is between New York and here?"

"The time here is thirteen hours ahead of New York time." He casually said. Thirteen hours ahead? I had no idea.

I watched as John spoke to the driver in Korean. I couldn't understand a single word. I wish I understood what they were saying...

Before I knew it the car pulled to a stop. Looking around, I saw a sign in very elegant lettering. The Banyan Tree Club and Spa Seoul. John spoke to the driver again before patting him on the shoulder and exiting the car.

"Where's he going?" I asked him only to receive a shrug in return. This is great.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw John talking to a bellboy. The bellboy nodded and followed him to the car where I felt the car shake as the trunk unlocked and opened. Suddenly, John opened my door and moved for me to exit.

"Follow me." He instructed, walking towards the entrance. I did just that. Glancing quickly over my shoulder, I saw the bellboy pushing a bellhop with my bags not far behind me. As soon as he saw me looking at him, I smiled and looked back around.

"Welcome to Banyan Tree Club and Spa." A young woman welcomed us as we entered the lobby. Wow, talk about fancy. The floor is made of speckled marble and vases of exotic-looking flowers tower over mahogany furniture. The air smells like honey and lilac. Reminds me of home.

"Anyanesayeoh," A man in his twenties greeted from behind a desk. He looked a lot older in his work suit. He smiled when he saw me standing beside John. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under Miss Parks." John instructed. The guy behind the counter's eyes widened and looked between John and I in disbelief.

"Floor twelve, room 1203, a presidential suite," The guy said after quickly typing something up on a computer. "How many keys would you like?

"Eee," John said in Korean. Seeing me staring at him, he said, "Two keys."

"Two?" I asked, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. Wait, why would he ask for two room keys? Does that mean... Oh my god.

"Chegaysuuh," The guy behind the counter said friendly. He passed the room keys across the counter to John. He nodded at me and smiled, "Have a great stay, Miss Park."

"Thanks," I said before turning to question John. He was already half way across the lobby, heading for the elevators when I turned around. "John, what are we doing here? We're supposed to be heading to my grandmother's apartment."

"We are." He simply answered with a smirk. We are?

Pressing the up button, John waited patiently by the escalator and smiled at me when I joined him. The doors of the escalator opened up seconds later. I walked in with John and felt my mouth drop when I saw a bunch of people watching us from the lobby. John waved at them and pressed the "close doors" button before pressing the twelve button.

"That was weird."

"You'll get used to it." He added, looking at me with a grin as he handed me a room key. I wanted to say something back, but I kept to myself. I don't think I'll ever get used to whatever that was.

The cheesy flute elevator music did not help.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, I rushed out into the hall and folded my arms. John followed behind me but then passed me and started walking to the right. He stopped in front of the last door on the right and pushed the room key into the door knob.

"Miss Park." John called for me. I sped walk down the hallway and to the room.

"Welcome home." He motioned towards the suite. Looking inside, I felt my legsturn to jello.

Home... No, heaven.


Song in Video:

Blue by Big Bang *BTW they filmed the music video in my neighborhood ;D

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