Chapter 8: Falling For Each Other (Part 2)

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(I'm going to change deadpool to wade)

As I was finishing breakfast I saw (name) looking at me. "hey (name) is there something on my face or am i just that irresistible." I say jokingly. "uhh? what? Sorry, I was just staring into space." she said blushing looking away. "why is she acting weird?" i ask myself.

(wade is talking to himself in his mind)

(reason voice)= (R/V)

(asshole voice)= (A/V)

(R/V): "maybe something is on her mind? Maybe there's something wrong or something bad happened. ask her." 

(A/V): "Who cares you're not her dad. If she has a problem she can ask her friend or someone else."

Wade: "Well she doesn't look like she's worried about something bad but something is on her mind." 

As I was talking to my voices I finished making breakfast. I turned off the stove and sat down. I took off my mask and started scarfing down my breakfast. We ate and talked a bit. After we finished eating we cleaned the table and dishes. We washed the dishes, dried and put them away. "Wade, are you free to help me move the rest of my stuff today? Some of my stuff is here and the rest is in the storage place." (name) asks me. i think about it. "hmm? yup im free i have nothing to do. how much stuff do you want to bring here?" I asked her. "Well I just have my bedroom stuff and my bathroom stuff. I'll probably get rid of or sell some stuff I don't need. The rest of the stuff can go into storage or if you see something that we need we can use here we can bring here." she says with a pondering look."well i don't have a lot of stuff so just bring everything here and fix it up?" I said/asked. “Ok but we will have to clean the rest of the apartment before we go back to my place and bring my stuff." she said, looking around the living room.

"Ok. we should get started here before anything else.” she says. “Let's get started.” I state " I say with a smile. 

"Ok. I'll head over to the store to get boxes and bags to put all my stuff and to throw away stuff from here." she says heading to her room. when she comes out of her room she looks at me. "Hey do you need anything from the store or something?" she asked me. "no i'm good if i do i'll text you or call you.'' I told her. “Do you have my number? I don't remember if I gave it to you? She asked. “I don't think so. I don't think I have your number either.” I say out loud. We exchanged numbers real quick.  "Ok, see you in a bit. later wade." she says as she walks to the door. She heads out of the apartment and closes the door behind her. 

I sit on a chair and think for a minute what I'm feeling for her.  "What is she doing to me? I can't get her out of my head." I ask myself as I spin in my spin chair.

(talking to his voices) 

(R/V): "You like her wade. You fell for her."

(A/V): "Just tell her you like her and then sleep with her." ;)

WADE: "I think I have. Everytime I see her or think of her she gives me a boner. A heart boner. When I sleep I think of being with her.

(R/V): "Before she gets home, make a nice dinner for her and tell her to be yours. 

WADE: "Well I have to know how long i have before i start and i have to clean the apartment." 

After my little talk with my voices I get my phone and text (name). 

(texting you)

WADE: ‘I was thinking I'll clean the apartment and you head over to your old place and pack your stuff. 

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