Chapter 77: Hope

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The sun was just rising over the trees as I watched it, the sky painted with pink and gold and an orange as blazing as the star itself. I rested my chin on my knees as I watched it, my arms draped around my legs while I hugged them to my chest in an effort to try and work through all the emotions flaring up inside me.

It had been about a week since we started everything; Veronica and Persephone were training hard to keep up with the big dogs and they were willing to take on anyone who challenged them. Nina sharpened her skills and her knives against Jeff as they fought, almost like siblings, to come out on top. I joined them every day as I lifted weights and practiced hand to hand combat, the little voice in the back of my mind telling me that no matter what, something was going to go wrong.

"You'll never win," a harsh voice cut into my thoughts as red eyes flashed across my vision, "not with that attitude. Might as well give up now and just accept that everyone you love is going to die because of you."


"I said, 'enjoying the view'?"

Where a Shade with red eyes had been perched seconds before there was one with white orbs sitting inside their skull. I sighed and buried my face in my hands, listening as Micah took a seat beside me and watched the sunrise. He and I had gained a mutual respect for each other in the last few days, learning more about the other outside of our interactions with Veronica.

"You're still seeing her, aren't you?" He asked as a human visage fell over him.

"I can't get her out of my head," I wheezed, "she's still in there and she's still a part of me but she's not on my side anymore. This is even worse than when they used Owen to fool me."

"In a battle like this you may have to end up fighting your friends," Micah nodded, "the people you love. It's enough to kill a person."

"There's Jeff too, what am I going to do about him? He's got it in his head that he's going to sacrifice himself for me," my words sputtered out of my mouth as I thought about it, "how am I going to walk in there at 100% knowing I'm about to lose everything?"

"Think of it this way," he chuckled, "if you die, you'll get to keep Maven and I company for the rest of eternity until Zalgo either dies or gets someone to open his mouths."

"Yeah like I really want to spend the rest of eternity with you," I rolled my eyes, my words dripping with sarcasm as he snickered.

"Trust me, I wouldn't want to spend it with me either," Micah sighed, lounging back against the wall behind him, "I'd kill for a cigarette right now."

"I'd kill for a cup of coffee," I chuckled as I stared at the sky, "white chocolate mocha with toffee. Haven't had it in a while."

"What do you think is going to happen when you win?" He asked me, "if you do."

"Owen and Percy go home," I looked down at my feet as I traced the texture of the shingles, "the bad guys will scatter, I'll live out the rest of my immortality here, hopefully with Jeff. If he survives." A small smile tugged on my lips. "Rouge will watch her little girl grow up and Vero will get a place with Eyeless, maybe."

"It's nice seeing her happy for once," he added, "I watched her for years as she fought with that bastard of a dad and her whore of a mum. I saw everything that happened in that house."

"What were you doing there anyway? Like why her house of all places?"

"After Slender so graciously cut my miserable life short I arose as whatever I am now," he gestured to himself, "I wandered. I knew vague memories and feelings but nothing quite became clear until I found a small little house in the suburbs and made a home of it. I couldn't tell you why either, honestly."

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