÷Allison- wounds÷

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The academy sent keira and five out to fix the pipe line. Since Keira could nake force fields it was easier.

After they had finished a shrek was heard from Keira, the moment she let the force field down the pipe burst open letting the metal connect with her legs. Five called for back up, but it was too late.

Allison was found pacing in her room, wanting revenge. She plucked enough to see Keira. Grace had just finshed her operation and she was still unconscious.

Allison, on her way, ran into Five.
"Im so sorry Allison, I tried s-"
Allison had hugged five and whispering 'its okay'

Allison had entered and saw her on the table. When she saw her, she broke down. She ran out and promised herself she would help Keira get better.

~a week later~

Allison never left her side, she had lost her right leg upon impact. And was in a wheelchair.

Tonight was movie night and allison was planing everything. Keria was lying down, getting rest. She wasnt allowed on missions anymore.

At around 10 pm they both went into a tent and watched Disney movies, starting with Lilo and Stitch.

Somehow they ended up cuddling, Allison then said, "Keria, I really like you- like I want to be with you at every moment of the day i-"

Keria had kissed her, oh so gently, to shut her up. "Stop talking and i do too." This made Allisons night, day, year even!

The next day at dinner they sat next tk eachother, holding hands under the table, when Diego had dropped his butter knife and saw them. He gave them the 'i ship it but no frick frack' look. Which made Keria hysterical.

Over all they both loved eachother and were very close to eachother.

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