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Name: y/n
Idea: ... You'll see <3

Yall it's 10:30 pm 4 me and my dog is snoring so loud! Also i finished writing a essay so this might sound formal af because I'm still in that mindset.

P.s I change the plot and Harold never existed.

Vanya and i were very close. She was there for me when I am at work, stressed, and im there for her when she needs her meditations.
Vanya was acting weird one day. She wasnt herself

"Lie down." I simply stated.
"I can't i-i have practice" she had rushed to say. After lying her down, i made sure she was asleep, i called into work sick, and did the same for her.

I was lying down, reading Vanyas book for the millionth time, when she ran into the room.

"I need to go to the academy." I opposed the idea, but she wanted to go. I, being the only one with a car, drive her to said place. Along the way i had remembered she had forgotten to take her medications. Only to dismissed the thought when Vanya kissed my cheek and started talking about her violin.

Upon arrival her siblings were discusing family matters. I didnt listen much, only to find out, that they excluded her, like always.

She left angry, at them, and herself. I had tried to calm her down only to get a, "y/n just let me rant." To which, I did.

Only to find out behind up, cars were jumping almost, lamp post melting. I get her attention and she dismissed the idea, but i was curious.

I took her back to the academy, sat her in her old room, and left to find Pogo.

Along the way i found Luther. After explaining everything he gets Pogo, as i wait with Vanya.

She was outrageous that i had locked her in her old bedroom. She yelled at me.

"Vanya, im sorry, i have to do this, for you, for us." She didnt like that.

She screamed, and by scream, i mean a high-pitch scream. I felt my ears ringing, then somthing crash against my skull.

I fell to the floor with Vanya looking at me with white eyes. I was terrified. She then turned her eyes back, looking at me. From then i do not remember, i had lost too much blood.

Turns out her powers, that were hidden from her, had forced her window to shatter, sending all the shards to the back of my head.

I went into urgent surgery. I made it out okay, with Vanya apologizing for at least 4 hours. I forgave her, she had just found out about her powers after all.

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