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Chapter Seventeen

The Temple of Artimis

While the exhausted child beasts slept soundly in the sea grotto, a pigeon was flying towards Constantinople. It carried a message to inform Mustafa of the dead boy, who was found washed up on the shore by some fisherman.

The sound of wood on stone brought Samar instantly awake. He gently nudged Maxim, who was already stirring, and whispered, "Maxim, a boat is entering the cave." Maxim tried to bolt upright, but Samar pushed him back down. He signaled for Maxim to stay low and follow his lead. Because their eyes were fully accustomed to the darkness of the cave, the pair easily wove their way between the boulders along the shore. Silently, they watched a slim boat navigate the tunnel into the grotto's interior. Oars lightly splashed in the water, as four swarthy skinned slaves rowed in practiced unison. A dark haired, olive-skinned warrior sat in the helm of the boat.

Ziga silently joined his cousins, and whispered, "Look. He wears the markings of our Dark Mother."

"The bronze ruins," Maxim whispered in awe. "How did she know?"

Ziga simply stated, "She knows. She is our Mother."

The warrior wearing the black tunic decorated with bronze ruins, softly called out, "My friends. Your Mother has sent me to bring you home."

The warrior's voice woke Jaka. Out of excitement, he sprang to his feet, waved his arms, and loudly called out, "We are here!" The slaves instantly changed the boat's course and brought the bow around to face Jaka.

His three cousins cringed. Samar angrily whispered, "One day that fool will get us all killed."

"No use hiding now." Maxim stood up, and loudly demanded, "Warrior what is your name?"

The warrior started. He was surprised he had not detected Maxim presence. He could have easily ambushed me, he thought. His surprise increased when he saw Jaka and Samar appear next to Maxim. He quickly regained his composure. "I am Aristos. Trusted servant of Mother Svetva."

"I am Maxim. These are my cousins, Jaka, Samar, and Ziga."

The warrior slightly bowed his head. "Greetings. I know your names. And of your condition." Maxim nodded his understanding. "I am here to transport you to your Mother."

"What about the daylight?" Maxim asked.

"Our ship is well prepared." Acting on a signal from Aristos, one of the slaves held up some thick pieces of dark cloth. "On board, we have a windowless room below the deck. You will be fully protected from the sun."

Samar, and Ziga sent Maxim a telepathic message, telling him to trust this warrior. Agreeing with his cousins, Maxim answered, "Aristos. We shall come with you."

Around midnight the ship pulled up to a stone pier located in a natural harbor. The ship docked behind two slave ships. Dock hands expertly used ropes to secure the ship to some wooden pilings. On the far side of the pier, steps carved into stone, wound up a sheer cliff. Aristos roused the child beasts from below the deck and escorted them down the gangplank. Soft moaning could be heard coming from the slave ships.

"Why are people still on those ships?" Jaka asked.

Aristos put an arm around Jaka's shoulders. "They are slaves. A gift to you from your Mother. They need to remain on the ships until we finish building their quarters."

"Real human blood," Samar hungrily whispered. His mouth started to water.

Jaka looked at Aristos with wide eyes. "Innocent people?"

Maxim Darko: The Greatest Gift of Evil. A Vampire ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now