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The Four Vampire Cousins and Their Allies:

Maxim: Ruthless leader of the four vampires who survived the plague. Strong, wavy blonde hair, with blue eyes. Vengeful, and smart.

Jaka: Wimpy, blonde straw-hair, light brown eyes. Weakest of the cousins.

Samar: Hunter, strong, and skilled with weapons. Scarred face from a bear attack. Dark like the Ottomans

Ziga: Smart, compassionate, blonde. Yearns to become a scholar.

The Dark Sorceress, Luticia: Svetva's mentor. Born into the Village of Golo. Ostracized for her looks. Hid in the mountains after her life was threatened. Turned to the dark arts. Converted Svetva.

Svetva: Innocent young woman from the Village of Golo. Forced to become a nun, then turned to the dark arts. Became known as The Dark Nun to the World. The cousins call her, Mother. Her temple slaves called her, The Dark Mother.

Arastos: The Dark Mother's most trusted warrior in Corfu, and in charge of the Temple of Artimis' security.

Bodashka: Crimean Vampire, and Maxim's lover.

The Ottomans:

Mustafa: Warrior lord in Constantinople. Strong, wise, intelligent, and a great warrior. A deal maker with the Church. The vampire cousin's greatest enemy.

Ciril the Tamer: Mustafa's most trusted warrior. Ugly, strong, unpredictable, impatient, and vicious. Possesses a wicked temper.

Mangata: Necromancer, chemist, and occasional bamboozler. Mustafa's trusted friend. Conducts experiments on vampires. Develops the elixir of youth from vampire blood.

Ahad: Ciril's son from his Christian wife Tahira.

The Church:

Father Zlata: Village of Golo's Priest. Burns the child beasts. Thin, weak, minded, and ill- tempered. Harasses the young women of the village.

Cardinal Todori: Cardinal of Constantinople. Makes the original alliance with Mustafa to protect the Church's interests. Poisoned by Maxim. Old, thin, weak constitution, and a behind the scenes womanizer.

Cardinal Spelghatti: Todori's replacement from Italy. Very pragmatic. Short, round, bald, and cheerful.

Salih: Trusted tongue-less servant to Mustafa. Cares for his messenger pigeons. Sends out and collects Mustafa's messages. Double-agent for the Church. Thin, dark haired, and eyed. Unassuming and un-threatening. Sharp minded.

: Ciril's second wife. A Christian from the mountains. Dark blond curly hair, stocky, round face, pretty. Betrays Mustafa, and Ciril to aid the Church. Mother of Ahad.

Mary: Wife of Mustafa gifted from CardinalSpelghatti as a way to seal their agreement. Good spy for the Church, buteventually pines for youth. Mustafa relents and gives her the vampire elixir ofyouth. Enchanted by the promise of eternal youth. Switches religion. GivesMustafa four sons, and a daughter.

Maxim Darko: The Greatest Gift of Evil. A Vampire ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now