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During the war party's solemn return journey to Constantinople, there was a noticeable lack of a celebratory feeling among the warriors. The surviving warriors were mourning the loss of their brothers. To make matters worse, the sacrifice had not been worth the reward. The temple had not provided enough bounty to make the foray profitable for the average warrior. In addition, Mustafa and Ciril were still licking their wounds from the loss of so many experienced warriors. Mustafa was slightly worried about his ability to protect his holdings with such a small number of warriors. In hopes of gaining support from the church and reducing his number of enemies; Mustafa had sent messengers ahead of the war party. The messengers carried falsified stories of Mustafa's forces killing the vampire who had murdered Cardinal Todori. His messengers also falsely orchestrated a victorious return by regaling tales of bravery, and numerous dead vampires.

In a hot and humid Constantinople, Mustafa and his warriors rode through the gates of their fortress to much fanfare. A large crowd had gathered to greet the returning warriors. The fanfare was slowly replaced by a feeling of despair, when the family members in the crowd realized how many warriors were missing. Women, children, and parents desperately searched the small group of returning warriors for their loved ones. Mustafa tapped his squire on his shoulder. The squire blew his horn. As the crowd quieted, Mustafa stood in the stirrups of his saddle. He yelled, "My people, my friends. Your husbands, and sons did not die in vain. We may not have captured any of the demons, but we killed many." He pulled his sword out, and violently swung it through the air. The crowd cheered. When the crowed quieted, Mustafa continued. "Our warriors have made the world a safer place by killing the Devil's Nun, and several of her vampires. Believe me, I understand there has been a significant loss to many of you." The crowd became somber again. Some sobs burst forth from some widows. "Do not worry if you are widowed, or orphaned. Per our laws, you will be taking in by your husband's brother. No widow will live in despair, nor will any fatherless child live in poverty."

Tearful women reached up and touched Mustafa to show their appreciation. Mustafa dismounted from his steed and spoke softly with many of the newly widowed women. As families found, and re-united with their warriors, Mustafa ordered his squire to blow his horn. "My warriors. You are to rest for one week. Spend time with your loved ones!" The crowd cheered. Mustafa handed his steed's reigns to his squire and made for his quarters.

While Mustafa had been away campaigning in Corfu, Cardinal Todori's replacement, Cardinal Spelghatti, had received word that an Archbishop in Rome had been deceived, and killed by a vampire. Realizing that a powerful group of vampires had declared war on his beloved Church, he called for an emergency council meeting. One of Cardinal Todori's former top aides, recommended to Cardinal Spelghatti, that he should meet with Mustafa. The very thought of meeting with a heathen, caused Cardinal Spelghatti to recoil in disgust. But being a well-educated, intuitive, and intelligent man, he realized the Church was in mortal danger from a threat he didn't fully understand. Now, the Church needed all the allies it could gather. He agreed with his aide and ordered his acolyte to secretly arrange a meeting with Mustafa.

The next afternoon, Cardinal Spelghatti dressed in a plain brown smock with a large hood, and walked alone out of the grandeur of Hagia Sophia, into the teeming streets. Disguised as a simple monk, Spelghatti walked with a hunch through the small alleys on his way to meet Mustafa. The whores and thieves who roamed the alleys between the Cathedral, and Mustafa's fortress, ignored the poor, shuffling monk. When he arrived outside of Mustafa's complex, he found a young woman waiting at the gate to greet him. She escorted him to Mustafa's office, and then took a seat in the hallway to wait for him.

Once he was safely inside of Mustafa's office, Cardinal Spelgahtti removed his outer robe to reveal a short rotund man with a bald spot on top of his head, circled by thin white hair. Mustafa inwardly smiled and thought with some amusement. Spelghatti could use a good dose of my youth elixir.

Maxim Darko: The Greatest Gift of Evil. A Vampire ChronicleWhere stories live. Discover now