Chapter 1

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(Above is a picture of Amai...enjoy...)

Amai stood up in front of the kitchen sink. She was done washing the dishes. She picked up a towel and dryed her hands. She went into the pantry and fished out a pack of fruits and stocked them in a big golden bowl that was on the island. The sink was also on the island. She then threw the remains away and went towards the dining room. There were 7 chairs and one stall chair which contained a young baby girl inside. Little Sayaka Yagi. She was eating her food. She had been given applesauce. She dug her messy right hand in the food and scooped the applsauce up. She then stuffed it in her mouth...or tried to which resulted in some falling out of her mouth. Amai smiled. The young and beautiful Amai Amari was a pro hero...not to the caliber of her husband...the great All-Might but very well known and loved. The Dancing Phoenix. Amai smiled at Sayaka again and her thoughts went to Oichi. The young girl was going to try for UA this year hopefully planning to becime a hero. She is half solar and half lunar energy. She should be accepted. Besides she received a recommendation letter so she would be going. Then her thoughts stopped when the phone rung. She was shocked. She stood up and walked across the wood floor. She answers. "Hello...?" There was an angry voice and Amai litsened. She sighed. " on my way..." She puts the phone down. She sighs. It was avout Ryu...her and Toshinoris son. She then goes towards Sayaka and picks her up.  She gets a paper towel and wipes the babies hands. She then grabs her purse and keys and goes towards the door. She exits the house and locks the door. She carries Sayaka under her arm and unlocks one of the two cars in the driveway. She puts Sayaka in her carseat in the backseat. She buckles her child in and hops in the car. She then heads towards her sons school.

Amai was holding the carseat that contains a sleeping Sayaka and walks onto the office. A messy blonde haired kid sat in a chair. Ryu. His hair was just like could say Ryu is his twin. The principle then spoke. "Thank you for coming Mrs.Yagi...sorry for wasting your time..." She sits down and puts Sayakas carseat next to her chair. "Its what is the matter...?" The teacher who was Mr.Ozuna yelled. "This brat put a tac in my chair...!" Amai glanced at her son who shook his head no. She looled back at the teacher. "Did you see him do this?" The teacher was about to say something but stopped himself. "I" Amai nods for a moment. "Then how do you know Ryu did it?" The teacher then picked up a remote for the tv in the office. It was a clip of the classroom. "Ill show you its on here..." He played the recording. "And...THERE HE MOVED!" Mr.Ozuna screeched out. Sayaka awoke at the sound and just stared ahead. Her beautiful brown eyes blinked and brown hair sat on her head. She yawned. It was quiet and cute. Amai looked at the teacher confusedly, although she knew very well that Ryu used his quirk. Ryu had super speed.  "You dont see it do you...?" Amai shook her head. Even though she knew why she honestly didnt see him so she wasnt particularly lying. He rewinded the tape again and again to show her. "THERE...HE MOVED!" Ryu looked at his mother who still looked confused. "Sorry for wasting your time can go now..." She nods and stands picking up Sayakas carseat and her purse.  Ryu followed her out the door and smirked back at Mr.Ozuna who was complaining to The principal about letting him off the hook yet again.

Ryu looked out the window pouting. He was in the passengers seat while Sayaka was in the back playing with the little plushies that was hanging off the handles of her carseat. Amai drove and glanced at her son. She sighed. "Ryu...we talked about cant use your quirk when your going to school..." Ryu then looked at her. "Yeah but I dont just want to be a hero...I also want to try for sports!" Amai then spoke. "You cant do both...Being a hero is a job thats is required at all times..." Ryu pleaded with her again. "Mom please I wanna try for sports...Ill only be the best by a little bit...I wont do it when Im older since I want to be a hero...but can I do it just for these years...?" Amai looked at Ryu. "Ryu Yagi you and I both know that you can be a bery competative young man..." He then huffed. "Your always saying 'do your best'...but you wont even let me do somethimg so simple..." Amai looked at him sadly. "Sorry but...before the time comes when you are going to need to fit in a regular school before your allowed and able to use your quirk..."

Oichi stood outside of her school. She wore a short skirt and wore a long sleeved shirt. She wore knee high socks and some pink shoes. Her shirt was pink and purple and skirt was black. Her socks were black too. Her brown curly hair went to the middle of her back and the other half of her hair was in a ponytail that was curly. She had a bow on her hair and it was pink. She had her cherry blossom back pack. Her nicley sized and shaped eyes amde her look mysterious an beautiful. Today wad stressful for her since all the boys in her class and in the school like following her around and trying desperatley to look up her skirt or ask her out. She ignores these approaches however. Then she hears footsteps walking down the stairs. It was time to leave and kids were exiting the buildimg to wither walk home or get picked up. She then hears a familiar voice. The back of his head comes inti view. Shoto Todoroki. Oichi brushes curly strands of hair behind her ear and looks at him secretly. She sensed he was going to turn so she used her quirkk to turn invisible. Die to the radiation of the sun and her quirk being half solar energy she is able to make her upper half into solar energy enabling her to disappear and become thin air and hiding within the sunlight and becoming radiation since thats what is in half of her body. Todoroki turned around to see if anyone was there but then walked off feeling like someone was there. When he was far enough away, Oichi watched him walk away. She then slid down the bricks on the brick wall of the steps. "He...looked at me..." She said some of her hair covering half of her face. "OICHI...COME ON! She tunred her head to see mothers car and runs towards it. She steps into the car. Then when she was securely inside they drove off.

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