Chapter 61

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The morning sun shone through the curtains if the private bedroom. Midoriya slept ontop of Oichi hugging her in loving embrace similar to when her father hugged her in the hospital after the 2nd Hosu incident. However this was intimate. Midoriya opened his eyes sleepily and looks to see white pillows. He then feels a very comfortable warmtg beneath him. It was Oichi. He was still ontop of her, still over her, still inside of her. He slowly and pulled his member out of her as to not awaken her. Then he looks at Oichis sleeping face. He brushes her hair out of her eyes. She breathed in and out. He treasured her sleeping face greatly. She then opened her which made him yelp. She stared up at him with a smile on her face. Both were still bare underneath the blankets. "Good morning..." She whispers. Midoriya blushed. "Good morning..." She gently strokes his green hair. Her mind went to Shoto...she thought he would be her first...however Midoriya took that spot and couldn't be any happier about than he already is. The saying 'Nice guys finish last' just isnt true. He slowly gets off of her and scoots back and sits up. She sits up on the bed he finds hus shirt and puts it on along with his boxers and his pants. Oichi finds her night dress she wore. They blushed in embarassment as the steamy memory from last night played in their minds. "Midoriya..." He looked at her. "Yeah...?" She then walked towarss him which made him blush. She then hugged him. He blushed toware he thought his face may bleed. "Thank you...for being my first..." He looksd at her and didnt know hiw to feel. "Your welcome..." Then he asked. "So does that mean we...?" Oichi then kisses him deeply. "I would like that..." Oichi thought about herself from the past. When she was timid and shy. When she would watch Shoto from a distance and the day she hid herself behind the stone of the sides of the steps that went to the schools fromt door and whem half of her body went invisible. She thought about her fight with Ryu that same day. So much has happened since then, moments of anger, fear, desperation, happiness, love and most importantly, Justice.

Ayame watched from afar as Shouta cradled Sayumi. She liked being carried by Shouta more than by Ayame. The baby was only about 5-8 weeks old. Eri was at UA having lessons with some of the teachers. Ayame smiled and walked inside and sat next to Shouta. "You say you can barley put up with your students and that you dont like them but you make a great father..." He then groaned. "Not really..." Ayame lies her head on his shoulder. "Dont be that way..." He then gave out a 'hm' Sayumi yawned in his arms. Ayame looks down at Sayumi. "...She has your eyes..." He hinestly didnt epect her words. He looked at the baby in his arms. She was as though his twin. Sure she had her mothers face but she did indeed have hsi eyes. She also had black hair on her head to prive she is their kid. "I wonder what her quirk will be...." He then looks at Ayame. The tone in her voice sounded a bit reminiscent. "Why did you say it like that...?" She then shook her head. "Nothing...I was just saying...." Ayame freezes. Shouta knows her and how she opperates. Whenever she lies she blinks alot...and that is something she just now did. He gave her a look that she knew to well. It was a look that if he gave it to Sayumi she would begin to cry. Ayame sighed. "When you said quirks it made me think of know Amais youngest daughter...and it made me think about her...." He looked at her and litsened. "Why...?" He asked curiously wanting to know why. "Well...because...dont tell Amai about it becuase she dosent even know....the fewer people know about it the better...." He looked at her while picking up a bottle to feed Sayumi. "Know what...?" He looked down at the child and put the bottle in her mouth an she began to drink from it. He looked back at her. "Sayaka has alot of quirks...many of them..." He was gonna say something but the alarm rung. "I have get going to the" He hands her Sayumi and the bottle. Eri walks in. He then leaves the nursery. Eri sits next to Ayame. "Does she have her quirk yet...?" She looks at Eri. "No...not yet anyway...however im too scared for her to get it so soon..." Eri of course got her quirk when she was atleast 5 but to have a baby manifest a quirk so early was concerning and terrifying. Hopefully Sayumi dosent get it so soon.

Oichi walked alongside Midoriya. School was over and they talked about their feelings about everything since they started UA. Their minds went to the Shie Hassekai Hideout raid and their fight against Overhaul. When Izuku performed a maxed out punch using One For All and made the attack stronger with one of Oichis Ultra moves 'Phoenix Power Attack: Solar Burst.'  They seem to not bring up the events that occured last night when they both lost their purity. Oichi then couldnt help but lean her arm on his shoulder. He jumped for a moment but then relaxed feeling her warmth as very comforting. The two eventually made it to tge 1-A dorms. They walk inside to see a fewbothers there. The twi walk up the stairs withouth dustubing anyone. When they walked upstairs they cime acorss her former room which was still filled with her items. The principal says if she ever gets tired of sleeping at the school then she can come back to the dorms for as long as she wishes.

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