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Jeff the killer, a star legend. Who knows any secrets behind him? Well that's simple. No one
He lives by himself in the woods, he works for a creature named slenderman and rarely interacts with any coworkers. But little did he know one of them had their eye on him.

One of Jeff's, i guess you could say 'friend' Benjamin. Had talked about a Laughing jack guy. Jeff never met him personally and never thought they would, their personalities and desires were completely opposite. Jeffery was interned in killing just for... Fun where laughter Jack had a personal grudge against children. Now there's no way if Slenderman was sane he'd ever pair them up..
But let's be honest, none of them are.

So here he is, the infamous Jeffrey woods in front of his 'boss' next to the person he's never met hearing about their new task.

"Hello you two" a cold dark voice rang in their heads like a sickening echo.

Jeffery stood his ground not moving for saying a thing, while his coworker waved and giggled like a child.

Slender went on about their mission but Jeffery only listened to the important details. Resaid in his words equaled. Work with a stupid emo clown and kill a family with 7 kids 2 parents and 5 family members staying over. Clown kills the kids Jeff kills the others. Great.

As Jeffery was walking along with the insane clown right by his side, apparently this clown had no idea how to be quiet cause he kept giggling or mumbling to himself, it honestly quite annoyed him. Jeffery turned to say something only to realize the clown was already staring right at him with a sickening grin.

Someone right out of a actual horror movie... That actually scares Jeffery..

Jeffery looked away only to hear the clown burst out laughing like this was some sick joke to the man.

Finally the clown decided to speak up, "Hello... Jeffery woods was it~?" he said with a cheery deadly tone. "Jeff. Don't ever call me by my full name again" Jeffery spat back. Only to be replied by the lick of the clowns tongue as he smirked and clicked his claws together "i doubt you were paying attention, from your..  Aura.. you seem quite like a bummer to be around" the clown grinned. "I'm Laughing jack!" he greeted narrowing his snake like eyes to the smaller boy. Jeff only scoffed in response making the clown laugh. Jeff glared at the older clown only to notice the clown didn't care, he looked back smiling. Not even scared from Jeffery, this annoyed Jeff but he ignored it not wanting to continue this one sides conversation nor join the conversation.

Once they finally arrived at their destination, Laughing jack clapped in joy and pressed his claws together. "oh how fun this is going to be!" he cackled making Jeff cringe. Jeff groaned at the terrible sound of the older man's voice and walked near the house as the clown walked along following him.

Jeff tried to door handle for luck just to find out it was obviously locked. Jeff took a deep annoyed sigh and walked up to the window "Damnit. I can't reach that.."

Laughing jack hummed in a terrifying way "i could help you~"

Jeff stared at Laughing jack "than help me you useless shit-" Jeff got cut off by an unapproved 'Tsk'. "not with that behavior" Laughing jack grinned amused.

Jeff ignored him and continued to try to find a ladder, the clown sighed still amused. He picked up the smaller not blushing boy. "up you go!" he placed him up the window cell. "now i hope you'll unlock the door for me once you get in" The older man spoke with a cheery tone. "yeah sure whatever-" Jeff huffed opening the window to the luckily unoccupied room. The Clown sighed "such a teenager.."

The Clown walked over to the window waiting a few minutes after hearing a 'click' noise. He opened the door and ducked his head while walking in the tiny door, or it was just because he was extremely tall. He grinned at Jeffery who just scoffed. "so L.j what first?" he spoke. "L.j? How amusing! You gave me a nickname!" The Clown clapped his hands together happily. "oh shut up. I only did just because I'm not saying Laughing Jack every time i refer to you" Jeff rolled his dry eyes.

"then i get to call you Jeffy!"
"wHat?" Jeffery spoke rather loudly, as he caught off guard. No one talked to him(except Ben) never mind confidently give him a nickname.

"it's only fair!" L.j smiled warmly. It was rather nice.

Jeff blushed from embarrassed and maybe because he found the clown attractive is some twisted way.. Jeff huffed "fine-.." he walked up the stairs L.j by his side. "you never answered my question, Slender dude wanted something and we have to kill these idiots, what first?" he questioned with a more detailed question.

"probably retrieve the item, just in case the police get called. We'll have the item at least" L.j replied with a logical response. "fine. We'll split up. You go that way" Jeff pointed randomly as he went the other direction.

Hey, horror movies never said the killers couldn't split up. They just said the hero's couldn't.

Jeff kept walking. He opened a door quietly and looked around, slender man wanted a piece of paper, a drawing one of the children here drew. He was trying to find his daughter the only rules for this mission was get the drawing kill everyone unless their my daughter. The only reason they got put in a mission like this is because their the best and most trusted workers there. Sure Jeff just wanted blood and L.j just wanted the desire to rip kids guts out. But they both agreed to get paid nothing and follow the rules of their missions. Everyone else fucked up a least once. Jeffery kept searching until he heard someone open the door, he put his hand in his sweater where his knife was. He turned around..
The man who was probably the father had a gun pointed at him "who are you-!? Get out my house!"

Jeffery didn't answer he was thinking of a way to survive this, people think of him as super human but he isn't. A bullet in the chest and he's dead, yet he's very smart.

Accept not fast enough, Jeffery was going to move out of the way of gun line but the man shot before he could, Jeff's eyes widened as he felt warmth in his side where the bullet just went through. He felt warm right there yet cold.. As if all the warmth in his body traveled to one spot and forgot about the rest of his body, his mind was rushing with thoughts of what to do, it was getting to the point it felt like his mind was going blank, he felt his vision go white, the last thing he remembered seeing was the man drop dead in front of him.

Then he felt himself fall to the hard cold floor

(hey guys! I hoped you enjoyed that! This was my improved new first chapter, sorry for the small cliffhanger! Is Jeff dead? Probably not- but anyway I'll cya in the next chapter! LeadOurDeath out!

A total of 1238 words)

Love Bites Jeff x L.j Where stories live. Discover now