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HONESTLY, looking at the Hogwarts Express sent terror. I felt my stomach did a flip and I gulped.

It was the same as before- black, red, all dull, but that was not the problem.

It meant I was going to Hogwarts. Returning to Hogwarts.

I saw students beside, in front and behind me. Many of them were chatting loudly, I felt sick to my stomach, trying not to be seen.

I saw other seventh years who was also, like me, returning to Hogwarts to continue our last year.

I was betting that some of the students won't come due to last year's incident. I was wrong, of course.

'Oi! Parkinson!' a familiar voice called out behind me.

I whirled around just in time seeing Blaise Zabini in front of my nose.

'You don't have to shout!' I whisper-shouted, swatting his arm frantically. 'I'm trying to be invisible here!'

He scrunched his nose, patting his arm. 'Uh, if that's the case, well, it's not working.'

Blaise Zabini looked the same as last year- dark skin, same hair cut, same boring expression. Nothing interesting about him.

I rolled my eyes when Daphne Greengrass slipped on my right. 'Pansy, great to see you back!'

And, well, Daphne changed quite a lot. Her silky blonde hair was short, hanging above her shoudlers. Her fair skin looked even whiter. Her eyes were deep hazel and much widener.

She hugged me. It felt great getting a hug, it made me feel loved.

'Pleasure seeing you too, Daphne,' I laughed. The doors of the train opened and my smile drooped. 'Shall we get into the train?'

We climbed in, getting a seat two rows back. I let Daphne sat near the window, which she seemed to be happy with that.

We chatted for a minute about the sixth year students when a guy approached us.

Not just any guy. Him. The platinum blonde haired boy with a smug on his face which he worn everyday and that aura of annoyance. Guess who the guy was.

Draco Malfoy. He was one of the reasons I didn't dare to return to Hogwarts.

'Hey, been a long time since we've met. Can I sit here?'

Before any of them could reply, he plopped down beside Blaise, who said, 'It's just a year, Draco. Not much.'

'Mmhmm,' Daphne added, glaring at him, 'just 365 days.'

'Uh, sure. It felt long.'

An awkward silence.

Okay, I know Malfoy, Blaise, Daphne and I were close back then but it seemed like last year changed it all.

Malfoy rejected me- as you all know I used to love him. And how, you ask?

Well, it was a chilly morning in Hogwarts in our last days after Voldemort's death. I was walking down the hall when I heard Malfoy speaking to Crabbe and Goyle. He was saying, '...and Parkinson thinks I still love her..honestly, she's the last person I wanna date. I rather date that Granger girl or even that ugly girl Bulstrode! And I think they-'

Before he could even finish his sentence, I lashed out. After showing him my true colors, I ran away, crying.

My friends found me under my favourite tree. Blaise couldn't care less, just pat me in the back when I was upset and said don't cry, Parkinson in a bored tone. Daphne was concerned about me, started acting old towards Draco ever since that day.

'Say, Daphne,' Draco leaned forward. 'Where's your sister?'

Daphne glanced over her shoulders and indeed as I followed her gaze, her sister, Astoria Greengrass was there. A twist in my stomach told me that he got a thing for her. Not that I cared, of course. Astoria was nice to me, like her sister, except Astoria was quiet and preserved. She was pretty, even.

'Why do you ask?' she asked coldly.

'Merlin, woman, I can't ask now?'

Daphne scoffed. Meanwhile, I was boiling with anger.

How dare he acted like I wasn't there! I was just beside Daphne and he was in front of me, really in front of me.

I was steaming, ready to blow silently, when he suddenly noticed me and said,' hi, um, Pansy.'

I jerked my head towards him. How dare he noticed me and said hi. The audacity!

'Excuse me? Pansy? Really? Think you deserve to call me by my first name? That's where you're wrong, Malfoy.'

'Fine, then, Parkinson.' Boy, he did look bad. Oh well, I didn't care so joke's on him, faking guilt.

'Mmm, nothing else to say right, Malfoy?,We'll see you around later,' I said slowly and savagely.

He eventually (finally) got up after a minute of silnce also unmoving four humans and left us, walking to his seat shared with Crabbe and Goyle.

I smirked. I looked at Blaise. who I was scared of offending him because he was pretty close with Malfoy.

'Sorry, Blaise, I just had to act cold with him,' I apologised curtly.

'It's fine, really, Pansy. I understand. Pretty wrong and bold of him to say things about you,' he said, his lips twitching into a smile.

'I know right!' Daphne exclaimed. 'And now he is planning to snog my sister!'


First years are so small and cute I felt like stomping on them. Salazar, that act is even worse than Voldemort's and that was saying something.

I settled between Daphne and Blaise, making my self as comfortable as I could. I turned to the front. Headmistress McGonaggall was blabbering about 'welcome' and the 'first years'.

Finally, the sorting hat ceremony began.

One by one they got sorted. When tje sorting hat announced 'Gryffindor!' or 'Hufflepuff!' or 'Ravenclaw!', that got many cheers.

But when it called out 'Slytherin', only the Slytherins clapped. It sounded stupid.

I rolled my eyes at other houses. I understood that some of us supported Voldemort but hey, they should give this new Slytherins an applause.

'They think all Slytherins are rotten,' Daphne whispered.

'What a bunch of nutter,' Blaise added. I agreed, duh.

Okay, I know, majority of us supported Voldemort, including I, myself. I only supported him because I wanted, well, attention from Draco Malfoy.

I was young, stupid and illogical. Even in my heart I knew it was wrong, I still supported him, believing that in return I got the love of Malfoy. What a cow.

'Lucy Lewis, Ravenclaw!'


'Sam Wilson, Hufflepuff!'


'Rodriguez Ville, Gryffindor!'

Screams, applause, cheers.

'Roxy Ville, Slytherin!'

I widened my eyes as I slowly clapped. Rodriguez and Roxy were obviously siblings, or more specifically seen on their faces, twins. One was in Gryffindor, one in Slytherin.

'Wow,' I whispered under my breath.

'Wow indeed,' Blaise softly said.

Gryffindor and Slytherin- those two houses couldn't be together or someone'll end up with a broken nose, a spinal damage, one will even vomit slugs. Meaning that it will create catastrophe.

Finally, the first years sorting were done and we moved on to the feast.

Every bite I took seemed like saying, welcome back to Hogwarts, Pugface.

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