Chapter 2

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Tiffany's POV

"K meet me at cafe later"i said to my friends. Then, yuri approached me "buy me some food. I wanna meet Luna for awhile." "Yul,please. Not this time okay?"i replied. She smirked and walked away. I went to canteen and buy some food. I saw Luhan. Yeah my crush. I liked him since three years ago. I never talked to him even we were in the same class every year. I guess he didn't interested to talk to me :( hm what a bad luck. I saw him walking straight to my table. "OMG!! Tiff pls control yourself!"i thought myself. "Can i sit here?" He asked as he gave me a sweet smile. "Ah uhm...sure."i replied nervously. Damn it. It was like a dream. My first time talked to him. Then,i saw Yuri walked towards me. She looked relax. "Sorry late. Got some problems just now" she said as she took a sit beside me. "Hi yuri~"Luhan greeted her. "Oh hey Luhan what's up?"she replied as she ate her fries. "Nothing much you?"he asked. "Yeah me too."she said as she hit my arms. "Anyway tiffany likes you"she added without hesitated. "Yah! Im not...dont trust her,Luhan"i said as i nipped her right arm. "Ouch! I didn't finished my words okay. You like him as a friend right?"she said and raised her eyebrow. "Ahhh yeah...she's right. Just a friend"i replied and shot a glared at her. Luhan just chuckled. "Omg he's so cute!"i thought myself. "I like you too as my friend :)"he said as he gave me a smile. Stop smiling okay T.T
His angelic face..the way he looked at me.. Then yuri poked my cheecks and said "yah why u keep looking at him? U look so obvious ya know." "Shut ur tounge" i replied as i put my index finger on her lips.

Yuri's POV

I poked Tiffany's cheeks and said "yah why u keep looking at him? U looks so obvious ya know" "shut ur tounge"she replied as she put her index finger on my lips. Lol dis gir idk why she liked that "pretty guy" so much. Nothin' special on him i guess. After recess, we went back to class.
"Good afternon students."Mrs Fei greeted. "Good afternoon Mrs Fei" the students replied. "Okay all of u may sit down. Take out the yesterday homework and put on the table now.. Who left it at home or did not complete my work pls stand up."she ordered. Guess what? Nobody stood except me. Okay that was normal. So i stood bravely. "I know this gonna happen. Miss Yuri,im tired to nag all the time bout the same thing. It's up to you if u wanna do my work or nah. Stand at your place until the end of the lesson" she exclaimed. "Damn why i left my book at home ugh"i thought myself. The lesson ended on 3:30pm.
"U okay?"Kai asked. "U care?"i replied without looking at him while put my stuffs in my bag. "Im just asking"he said and took a sit in front oh me. "U better dont talk to me"i walked out from the class and left him. Such a nosy guy.
I saw my driver outside the school gate. And there was Luna. "Hi miss loser. Wanna go home?"i approached her. She just stayed quiet. "R u deaf?"i asked her and blocking her way. "Yuri pls im tired. I really need to go home now."she replied. "Wut? Did u just said something? K fine. U should be grateful because im in a good mood today. Meet you later."i said and entered my car.
Im home. Kinda exhausted. "Miss yuri,mrs Kwon asked me to tell that u need to come for a dinner at Seoul Hotel tonight on 8pm"my maid said. She was Luna's mom. "Im tired"i replied and walked towards the staircase. "But miss--"she didn't finished her words and i continued "leave me alone im tired".

Kai's POV

As i reached home,i saw dad sitting in the living room. "Get ready. We gonna have dinner wif Kwon family after this"he said. "Can i just stay home? Im so lazy"i replied. "Obey me"he said and walked away. I really need to go. Ugh okay fine. I went to my room.
At the Seoul Hotel. I walked in the Hotel wif my parents.i saw Kwon family waved at us wif smile plastered on their face. We walked straight them and bowed. "Thanks for coming Mrs and Mr Kim :)" Mr Kwon said as he shook hands wif my dad. "Ah boy u already grow up!" He added and taped my shoulder. "Haha im not a boy anymore~"i chuckled. "Anyway pls have a sit."Mrs kwon said. Then we ordered our meals. "I guess i dont see your princess. Where's she?"mom started the conversation. Mrs kwon's expression changed. She looked not happy at all. I wondered. "Hm she's not feeling well today that's why she can't come"she replied wif a smile. "Ah jinjja? I hope she's not doing that thing again"mom replied. "That thing? What thing?"i thought myself. Then they keep talking bout the stuffs that i dont understand. I wondered who was her daughter? Did she pretty? Bad or nice? Hm

Yuri's POV

I went to school late. Very late. "Yul,im sorry i need to do this"the prefect said as she wrote my name in her notebook. Who come late to school the prefects will write your name and give them to the discipline teacher. I guess my name was written many times. So what? I dont care. I entered my class and sat on my place. "On what time u slept last night?" Tiffany asked. "3am i guess? Oh nope it was 5am"i replied. "I dont understand you" she sighed.
Recess time! I saw Luna walked to her locker. Wif KAI? They looked so happy talking to each other. Wait....why i care? I walked straight to them. I cleared my throat. "Ehem u guys look happy? May i know why?" I asked as i leaned againts the wall and looked at them. "Uhm Yuri...its not what u think" luna said. "I called u many times but then i saw u wif this dude."i yelled at her. "Wo wo wo calm down. What's going on here? Y u yelled at her?" Kai interrupted. "Okay dude u r done wif her. So stay away from her"i said and pushed him. "Hell what? Who do u think u are? Its up to me if i wanna talk to her or not!" He yelled back. "Kai pls. I need to talk to her. Just go" luna said. I just stood there and watching them. "Done? If yes come wif me now"i replied as i pulled Luna's hands and left Kai.
As we reached at the rooftop,i pushed Luna and she fell on the ground. "What did i warn you? Dont talk to anyone especially the strangers! Y u so hard to understand!" I shouted on her face. "I...i just want to borrow his books..that's all. I did not tell him anything" she sobbed. "Tell him what? That u got bullied by me? U try to beg a sympathy from him? Nobody pity you loser. Bear in mind"i yelled at her again. Shejust sat on the ground. "Stop crying loser u look ugly. Stop crying if u dont wanna your mom lose her job"i replied and walked away. I heard she stop sobbing. "Yuri im sorry! Im not gonna talk to any strangers again include him. Im promise! But pls let me and my mum work fot your family"she begged. "That's great then"i replied and left her alone.

Kai's POV

Whats wrong wif her? Y did she not allowed me to talk to Luna? She mad? Y did Luna looked so scared? She was something....i need to investigate. I didn't saw her in class after recess. "Where's Yuri?"i asked Tiffany. "I also wanna ask u the same thing. I didn't saw her at canteenjust now" she replied. Then i saw Luna entered the class. She looked sad and weak. "Luna! Where's Yuri?"i asked her. She ignored me and sat on her place. She ignored me? Yuri did smthing bad to her? "Wait wait..y u asked her?" Tiffany interrupted. "Cuz insaw Yuri took her somewhere. I try to talk to her but Yuri--" Tiffany cut my words " just stay away from her. That's a warning". She looked serious. Okay wtf was happening? Why Tiffany also ordered me to stay away from Luna. Did she dangerous? She looks nice..not like Yuri. Impolite. Rude. Arrogant. Y she even exist?
"But why?" I asked curiously. "Dont ask anything and stop asking" she replied. "Im not a fool a guy."i said as i slammed my table and walk to Luna's place. She tried to avoid me. I begAn to talk. "I know smthing wrong was happening between you and that snobbish girl. Mind to tell me?" I asked politely. "Nothing happen. Dont talk to me ever again."she said as she tried to avoid eye contact wif me. "Dont lie to me. I promise that im not gonna tell--" she cuts my words "stay away from me! Please i beg. I dont need u as my friend" she replied and walked out from the class.

Yuri's POV

im so lazy to enter math class. So i just sat on the bench in the garden. Then i saw Kai walking towards me. Did he skipped class too? He looked mad. "Get up! Now tell me. What u did to Luna?!" He yelled at me. "Excuse me? Y u need to know? R u her dad?"i asked. "Im her friend! I need to know!" He replied furiously. "U better mind your own business". I said as i folded my arms. He grabbed my left arm tightly. U better tell me what's going on between you and her or im not gonna let u go untill u tell me everything" he forced me. I tried to escape but i can't cuz he was too strong. "U have no right to know anything bout her. Let me go!"i yelled at him. "Tell me"he grabbed more tight. Then i kicked his private part. He screamed painfully. Lol that's cool. Finally i can escapeed from him and ran away straight to class.

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