Chapter 14

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Tiffany's POV
I was worried about Yuri's condition. Then, i got a message from Kai.
From: Kai
To: me
"I just got back from her house. I guess she's gonna be okay soon. She just need some times to be alone now. You can visit her tomorrow. See ya!"

Huh....what a relieve...i decided to visit her on the next day. As i entered my house, i saw Krystal. "What r u doing here?". I asked. "Can..we talk for awhile?". She replied. "Oh sure. Let's talk outside". I said as she followed me. I served her a glass of apple juice. "It's about Yuri". She began. "". I asked. "I want to apologise for what i have done to her. I know she's still mad. I'm scared to meet her and tbh i was the one who did the water thing...i was so angry with her. Im sorry..." She contined as she squeeszed my hand. I gave her a look.m"i to i'll bring u to her house tomorrow. I'll make sure she's not gonna do bad thing to u. Let's settle all of this tomorrow. No fighting. No war. We can live peacefully. Get it?" I said with full of determined. She nodded. "Thanks Tiff! Thank u so much!" She replied as she hugged me.
I was glas to see Krystal regeret what she have done. I hope Yuri will forgive her and i can the old Yuri again! As i bisy thought about Yuri, Luhan came from behind and poked my cheek. "Hey~" i said as i touched my cheek. I was blushing?? OMG "tiff pls act natural!" I thought. "Hehe. Hi fany" he greeted me with a smile.
"Oh hi Luhan :) i didn't notice r u going to class?". I asked as we walked side by side. "Oh yup. Since I saw u here, i decide to go with u." He answered. "Really? That's great." I gave him a smile. "Anyway, i don't see Yuri today. Where's she?". He asked. "Oh...she..she's not feeling well." I stuturred. "What? Have u visit her?". He asked. "Not yet. I'll visit her after school. Wanna come with me?". I amswered. "Oh sure." He replied. So, we went to class together. Then,a figure came and approached us.
"Lu-ge ^^". Oh it was Ashley. "Ah...hey Ash. Wht r u doing here?". Luhan asked. I stood there and watched them talking. "Im looking for you~ fortunately, u r here. Can u accompany me to cafe? Im hungry" Ashley replied as she rubbed her tummy. Why she need o act cute in front of him? LOL
"Err...sorry Ash. I have class right now. Can we meet later?". Luhan refused. She pouted. "How about after school? I have no extra class today so we can going home together." She said as she held Luhan's hand. "Sorry again Ash. Im so busy today and i already late for class. See u at home instead. Bye!". Luhan said as he let go of her hand and walked away. He looks irritated. "Yah! Gege! Wait!". Ashley yelled but he ignored. I followed Luhan along to the class.

Luhan's POV
Finally, my fav subject. It was history class. Luckily, i was in the same class with Tiffany. Hehehe.... As i walked, i saw her walking towards the class. I approched her by poking her cheek. I can see she was blushing haha >< she looks shocked as she rubbed her cheek. "Hey~" she said. "Hehe hi fany". I greeted her with a smile. "Oh hi Luhan :) i didn't notice u... So r u going to class?". She asked as we walked side by side. "Oh yup. Since i saw u here, i decide to go with u." I replied.
"Really? That's great" she gave me a smile. That eyesmile >< oh no my heart beating so fast! I used to see Tiffany and Yuri, but i don't see her as well. "Anyway, where's Yuri? I don't see her today". I began asking.
"Oh..she..she's not feeling well". She stuturred. "What? Have u visit her?". I asked again. "Not yet.. I'll visit her after school. Wanna come with me?" She asked. "Oh sure." I replied. So, we walked to class together. Then, a figure came and approached us. "Lu-ge ^^" the voice seems familiar. It was Ashley. "Ah...hey Ash. Wht r u doing here?" I asked. "Im looking for you~ fortunately, u r here. Can u accompany me to cafe? Im hungry~"she said as she rubbed her tummy. Ugh what's wrong with her -,- "err...sorry Ash. I have class right now. Can we meet later?" I refused. She pouted. Eww... "How about after school? I have no extra class today so we can going home together". She said as she held Luhan's hand. "Sorry again, Ash. Im so busy today and im already late for my class. See u at home instead. Bye!" I said as i let go of her hand and walked away. Why she acts differently since she came back? She looks indulgent and it was irritating. "Yah! Gege! Wait!" She yelled but i ignored cuz i already late.
At home...
As i reached home, i saw Ashley stood next to the door. I looked at her and walked into the house. "Gege, where did u go?" She asked ss she shooked my arm. "Im tired." I gave her a short answer. "Yah what's wrong with u?!" She yelled. " U should ask yourself why u behave like this" i replied coldly and walked to my bedroom. Ugh this girl... She makes me uneasy with her existence. I took a showered and got ready for dinner. I went downstair and saw mom was preparing dinner for us. " Let's eat, son. I cook something special for us." Mom said. A good smell stuck in my nose. I sat down next to Ashley. She gave me a plate and put some rice on it. I was about to take the soup but she took it for me. Yeah she acts strangely. "Yah i can do it my own" i said. Mom shot me a look. Then, she continued eating.
After dinner, i went outside to get some fresh air. I opened my arm widely and inhale the fresh air at night. Without my realisation, someone was backhugging me. I was shocked. It was...Ashley??! "Yah! What do u think u r doing?". I yelled as i let go of her arms. she looked at me strangely. "wae? Something wrong?". She asked. "Why u did that? U make me shock". I replied as i looked at her.
"Ah jinjja? Mianhae...i just wanna hug u.." She answered as she came closer. I took a step back...she gave me unheathy look.
As i took another step back, i was slipped and fell on the ground. She kept staring me from head to toe. She came closer to my face and stared at my lips. I couldn't move when she was about to kiss me, i pushed her body and she fell. "Yah! R u crazy?!" I yelled as i stood.
"What? I...i just.. I love you, gege!" She yelled back. "What the heck?! I love as my sister, Ashley. What u did just now was wrong. Im your brother!" I responded somehow mad. "But im just your foster sister! It can't stop me loving u!" She cried. No wonder u act strangely lately. "Im sorry Ash. Someone has stole my heart. No matter what u r still my sister." I said as i walked inside.
Did she crazy? I cant believe it was happened. I love Ashley. Really love her but not more than sister. I cant love her like the way she did cuz i love someone else....
I saw mom at living room. "Hey. I heard both of u shouting outside. What's the matter?" She asked as she played with her phone. " just uhm..we were arguing some matter but nothing serious. We're fine now." I stuturred as i gave her a fake smile. "U sure? Is she really fine? I dislike when u hurt when u hurt ur sister. U know doctor said she was...." She stopped. I gave her a cofuse look. Doctor said what? Tell me?" I asked her. "Uhm..nothing. It's nothing." She stuturred. "U r not a good liar, mom. What's wrong with her? Tell me now". I asked again. "She...she's having a brain cancer. It's type 4.."she said sadly. "What?! Why u didn't tell me earlier?!" I yelled. "Im sorry, son. She asks me to keep it secret from u. She don't want u to know". She responded as she taped my shoulder. I was about to ask, we heard Ashley shouts. "What's that? I guess it's Ashley! Let's get her!" Mom ordered as both of us went outside to look for her. We saw Ashley laid on the ground. She looks pale. "Call ambulance now!" Mom asked me as i took my phone.
A few minutes later, an ambulance came. Mom was crying and i tried to calm her. Later, we reached hospital. "Sorry, ma'am. U need to wait outside" The doctor ordered us. "But im her mom" Mom replied. "I know. Pls be patient". The doctor responded as he entered the wad. Mom still cried. I calmed her by saying Ashley will be fine. Then, the doctor came out and told us to enter his office. We followed him. He said that Ashley need to operate ASAP cuz it might save her. But he not guarantee 100%. "Pls save my daughter, doctor! I beg... Just tell me how much it cost i'll pay as long as she can live". Mom begged.
We'll try our best, ma'am. Let's pray together".

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