the legend of cannabelle

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allie pov
after school we went down to the track locker room. when we got in, we saw that jahseh was gone. and so was gekyume. we started searching for him. we were screaming for him but he never answered. then, we saw a bright light. he looked like an angel.
"keke killed me. and she has gekyume." jahseh said. he sounded worried.
"her jah powers are getting stronger each second. she may be too powerful to stop if we wait any longer" jahseh said.
"she's collecting stones on the infinity gauntlet too" jahseh said. he then vanished. i started crying. there's no way we can beat her?? i don't know how many stones she has on there. unocompac saw me crying. he motioned for me to go over to him.
"allie i'm sorry that i started dating tyson. i actually don't even like tyson. he pressured me into it. can we date again?" he asked me. OF COURSE.
"yes of course we can uno" i said. we went back with the others. we need to build an army if we want to beat keke. all we have is tyson's jedi powers and moto motos madagascar 2 powers. we need to find the infinity stones before she does. we were walking through the back woods of the school when we heard a meow. there was a cat over there. this cat looked sexy though. it kept meowing. then it hissed. then it turned into a person.
"hi i'm sam the cat" said the girl. we all introduced ourselves.
"i have cat powers!!" sam said. now we have 3 people with powers on our team.
"sam the cat. we need you. the profit child gekyume was stolen by this ghetto white girl with jah powers" moto moto said.
"fine i will help you." sam said. we started on our journey. we were trying to find missells house.

zac pov
when i got home it was hard to explain to my mommy why i was missing my middle finger. i just decided not to tell her. later that night, i started spasming. i was shaking so much. i started foaming from the mouth. i passed out. when i woke up, i had weird powers. i could move stuff with my mind and for some reason , "spotlight uh moonlight uh" kept playing out loud. i decided to ignore it. but when i went to put clothes on, i was over 5 foot. i grew a couple inches. and my peach fuzz was a starter stash. i flexed in the mirror. i had mussels!! i wasn't short anymore. i put on the biggest clothes i had and i went outside. i started lifting stuff. everything was so light. then, i started levitating. i could fly too. then, a white light appeard to me. it was ? jahseh?
"zac. you have jah powers now" jahseh said.
"but why" i asked.
"because it's like spider-man. the spider bit him and he got spider powers. keke gained jah powers when i used my jah powers to get her pregnant with gekyume. but she has betrayed us all. she stole gekyume and she has the infinity gauntlet. you are the only hope left" jahseh said and faded away. how am i supposed to help save gekyume? flying was starting to really hurt my back to i went down to the floor. i think keke lives at the trailer park. i started walking there. i decided to take the short cut through the woods.

tyson pov

i can't believe unocompac broke up with me. we were walking when my jedi senses started tingling.
"everyone stop" i said. we hid behind trees. then, what looked like zac came by. only this one was buff.
i used my jedi powers and i pinned him against a tree.
"what are you doing??" i yelled. zac was strong and he broke away and was flying.
"i'm stopping keke" he said.
"we are too" i said. he came back down. we kept walking to the trailer park. he told us about how he gained his powers through a bite. i think his powers are stronger than kekes but i can't be sure. we saw the trailer park and we stopped.
"now or never" i said. i used my jedi powers to give us all 180 xp. we got there. we got into the trailer. but it was empty. all we saw was this, this, this creature hunched over by the fridge. it stood up.
"im cannabelle" she said. sam started purring and rubbed against her.
"cannabelle is the strongest force of matter ever" sam said. cannabelle looked sexy tbh. cannabelle agreed to help us find keke. then we heard a shout. it was keke shouting.
"I SMELL HOT CHEETOS" she yelled. i remembered that i had hot cheetos in my hoodie pocket.
to be continued...

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