Physical Description of Blaze and Alter Ego- Alex West

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There is also charcoal/black makeup all around the eyes like the Winter Soldier ( left ).

She looks like the person on the right( Negasonic Teenage Warhead ) including the hair, face shape, skin color, makeup that is worn when she's Alex.

Alex has red eyes. She was born with them, and she was not aloud to cover it up. Reasons why will be in the backround chapter.

Tons of piercings on her ears, one on her tongue, one on her nose, and a belly button one.

Tattoos: Her right arm is covered in roses, clocks, and playing cards as a tattoo sleeve. Jet black wings on her back. And a semicolon on her left hand.

You obviously cannot see the tattoos unless she is Alex or in some kind of undercover operation.

Alex has about the same style as her suit. She likes a lot of black and leather. A lot of chains and dark, satanic jewelry. She likes random t- shirts that she can crop or tuck in some pants. Just a lot of goth and edgy stuff.

The only time Alex isn't like this is if she is working undercover.

A/N: If there is anything else, it will be mentioned in the story. Next chapter will be mental description and background!!! ~🔥❤️~

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