Chapter 4: Peter's Feelings

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Peter POV

I frowned at the fact that I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was Alex. I couldn't believe what she had told me. That she was an assassin. And that I had changed her. It still made no sense to me, but it had to be true. She knew I was Spider-Man.

It was 3:39am and I still could not sleep for the life of me. All thoughts were on her. Well, her, and Michelle. Alex was my best friend. But MJ. When I thought of her, all I could think about was how we could be more than friends. I never realized how cool she was. She always would hide it behind a mask of shyness. She was actually really pretty too. I don't know she always hid herself. I figured she just wasn't a very social person.

I came to the conclusion I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. So I quietly got dressed, and walked out of our hotel.

I walked until I saw the beach, and strode along the shoreline. I soon saw a sign that said Private Beach. Off Limits. I turned to see it was Alex's house. I was still amazed by its structure and size. (A/N: god that sounded wrong😂) How could she find such a beautiful home. She said she owned a lot of museums. Maybe we could visit them some time.

I decided to go knock on her door. I doubted she was up yet. I looked at my watch. Oh my god. It was 5:13am. I had been walking for a long time. How did I not notice?

I knocked on the door a couple times with no answer. I knocked one more time, and heard running inside the house.

" Coming!"

Alex opened the door, in work out clothes with a towel rapped over her neck, and a water bottle in her hand. She was in a black sports bra, with black leggings, and black Adidas.

" Oh, hey, Peter. Sorry, I had to finish those pull up exercises. Umm, what exactly are you doing here this early?"

I was unsure of my answer, but started.

" Umm, I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk and before I knew it, I was here. Sorry if I interrupted you. I'll just.. umm, go."

I started to walk off, but Alex grabbed my shoulder.

" Hey, you can stay if you want. Just make sure to go back in time so you don't get in trouble."

I walked inside hesitantly. She assured me it was fine. She offered to let me use the gym, so I did. I was in sweats and a t-shirt, so I'd be fine.

We worked out til 6:00am. Alex said she'd been at it for two hours. No wonder she had those abs. I had never thought she had any muscle when we knew each other. But she obviously did, being an assassin at the time.

I walked back to my hotel. Alex said she needed to get some work done, so I just left. Even though she said I could stay as long as I wanted.

When I got back, MJ caught me.

" Hey, Peter. Did you sneak out again?"

" I just went for a walk. I couldn't sleep."

She gave me a suspicious glare, then walked off to get breakfast. I was thankful she didn't ask further. I couldn't say I was with Alex. She probably would take it the wrong way. And that was no way to get a girl you liked.

I went back to my room to find Ned still asleep. I decided to try again, and right when my head touched the pillow, I was in a deep sleep.

A/N: I know it's short. Don't come for me! It just needs to be its own chapter to show how Peter is feeling. ~🔥❤️~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2019 ⏰

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