Chapter 3: We Need to Talk

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I looked back at Michelle. She looked sad for some reason.

" I'll be back in a minute," I told her, getting out of the hot tub.

She nodded, and I walked inside with Peter.

" Okay. I think we need to talk about, you know, the fact that you know who I am."

" Alright..."

I paused, nervously, then explained everything. Well, except the superpower part. I decided I would never reveal my identity. I only told him the assassin part. And how he changed me.

He stared at me in awe.

" But, how... what..."

" I know. You have every right to feel the way you feel."

" I am mad you didn't tell me sooner, you know. But... I'm happy you didn't keep it from me forever."

He smiled, and gave me a hug. I returned the gesture, and nodded thankfully.

" Did you wanna join me and Michelle in the hot tub, or did you have to leave?"

" Uhh," he looked at his watch. " Unfortunately, we will have to leave. It was very nice seeing you again, Alex. I hope we can hang out more this vacation."

" Yeah, me too."

What Peter didn't know is that I really wanted to hang out with Michelle more. I hated to say it, but I was falling for her. She was so amazing. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, the way she would flip off anyone who annoyed her. It was so cute.

She always seemed so cut off from the world. Not social at all. I could tell that she was more open with me. Even though she just met me today. I don't why. But she was still scared of something. Like she never wanted to get close to anyone. Like something was pulling her back. One minute she'd have her head on my shoulder, the next she would be as distant as possible.

I went outside to find Michelle huddled up where we were sitting before, her head down in her knees. I walked over to her, and laid a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, like she was scared of the sudden affection.

" Peter said y'all should start heading back to your hotel. And I don't want you to get in trouble either."

She looked up at me, examining my features. She got out, and gave me a hug. I was taken aback, but then hugged her back. I hadn't had a good hug like that since, well, ever. Not even Peter gave hugs like this.

We stayed like that for a moment until Peter ruined it. Again.

" Hey, we gotta go."

She pulled out of the hug. She gave me a small smile, and walked away.

I decided to walk them to their hotel. When we got there, they all walked in. But Michelle didn't. She turned back to me, and said, " Thanks. I haven't had fun like that in forever. The truth is, it's hard for me to open up to people. But with you, it's different. I don't know exactly why, but, I do know we could be friends. Unless you don't want that, of course. You don't have to. I know I'm just the quiet girl. I'm so stupid to think you'd wanna be my friend..." She muttered the last part, but I still heard it.

" Hey, no your not. I would like to be your friend. I don't mind if your quiet, either. I like that about you. I think we would be good friends," I said, grabbing her phone out of her hand. I put my number in, and handed it back.

" If you ever need anything, just give me a call. And, by the way, put a lock on your phone. You don't know who could get into it."

She nodded shyly, and headed into the hotel. I walked back to my house, all thoughts on Michelle. God, that girl would be the death of me.

A/N: hi. Did I mention that Alex has the power to generate her suit onto her. Kinda like how Loki can. Alex is also Pansexual if I didn't mention that. Search it if you don't know what it means. And sorry I haven't updated. Just been feeling a bit unmotivated. But I'm back. Hope your enjoying the story! ~🔥❤️~

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