Blaze/Alex West's Origin

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Alex West was born with her powers. These being the abilities to manipulate fire, metal, and telekinesis.

Her mother and father were both scientists for an illegal, undercover organization. Her mother had ended up taking part in an experiment that gave her the power to manipulate objects around her without coming in contact with them(telekinesis). When she later had Alex, she not only passed down her telekinetic powers, but Alex was also born with the ability to manipulate fire and metal. This is where she gets her fiery, red eyes.

Later, however, both her parents were killed by an experiment that went wrong when she was four years old. But because everyone there were sworn to protect their lead scientists' daughter, they started training her. But it was brutal, and not meant for such a young girl. They obviously had their own intentions for her.

They hired deadly people to fight her, and she was really no good at first. She had a bracelet that made her incapable of using her powers, so she could train like any regular human would.

She trained in hand-to-hand combat. She practiced and fought until she broke bones, got knocked out, or was literally on the breach of death. She also learned how to use a variety of weapons from snipers to grenade launchers to bow and arrows.

She trained like this for seven years. Then, when she turned eleven, they let her train with her powers. She was still not that good. But she trained for another four years, and became the most deadly assassin in Europe by age fifteen. Some even said the whole world.

To Alex, being a villain was all she ever wanted. It made her feel powerful. Like she had a purpose. But one day, she was visiting the United States as a spy. She was assigned to work in New York City. She was supposed to find this superhero named Spider-Man and get information on the Avengers. And so she did.

At one point, she followed this " Spider-Man" into an alleyway, where he changed into normal clothes. She saw he had a patch on his backpack that read " Midtown High." Later she looked in the school's database and found that this "Spider-Man" is someone named Peter Parker. She then went undercover as a student there, and soon became friends with Peter. But instead of getting classified information, they actually became close friends.

With Peter's help, Alex learned that it's better to fight for the things we love than the things we hate. And that you can leave your past behind, and rewrite the stars.

When Alex returned to Europe, she ended up killing the people who hurt her. She set their organization ablaze, and left her tortured past behind. She vowed to protect those who she once sworn to kill.

She was now seventeen. And she was the superhero who watched out for the entire continent of Europe. She was Blaze.

In this story, Peter arrives in Europe with a group of friends. He thinks Alex moved to Nevada, and that's why they couldn't keep in touch. But she secretly came back here to protect her home.

What will happen when he finds out that Alex lied to him about who she was really was, and what her real intentions were? Or better yet, what will happen when she meets his new friend?

A/N: hi! just here to say hope you enjoy this story. I just got this big burst of inspiration and applied it to something I love. Just like my other 2 works, uploading schedule will be all over the place. And the rest of the chapters will be in first person.Hope you enjoy this action packed romance fanfic! ~🔥❤️~

Heart of Fire  //  MJ/action fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang