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Amours p.o.v.

I went to the administration office to collect my office keys. Orion walking beside me on the way to my class room. He's checking my papers for the coming class. He's my assistant teacher. Orion has been there, and knows everything that happened in our history. He's my referential tool when I want to give contexts to the curriculum. Orion is a great storyteller, he tells it in full color, loving every gawk he gets.
The auditorium is round and big. It has sitting room for about a hundred fifty students. I'm wondering how many people will attend this class. How many will survive my class at the end of this trimester? Normally it's about thirty tree on a hundred.
Lost in my thoughts when Sam started jumping in my head. Will you be still, I minded her, you're driving me crazy. She howls and try's to move my head. Blocking her, just in time before Samantha becomes verbally. Orion was standing next to me whispering in my ear "hey babe, this class is just filled from top to bottom with wolfs. How you gonna manage that?"
"Just as always!" I growled at him, irritated in his lack of trust after all our time spend together. Instantly I snapped my head up. My brain got infected with the smell of off rosemary and pineapple. I got confused because the smell was a mixture with some black licorice, and I really detested that smell. So my eyes are scanning the auditorium till the door came in sight. I see two guys almost identical to each other. They have the same dirty blond hair, flashy green eyes and plump cherry red lips. there bigger than me. One just a finger higher than the other. Both looking at me, as if I was an alien. Sniffing the air, failing to smell my scent. Hearing a soft rumble of a growl, Alpha boys thinking to myself. I stare at them but I couldn't look away. Magnetic pulled to there eyes.Orion saw that there's something in the air. Began to go around with the attendance list. He cleared his throat, pulling me back in the present. I shot my nose down, leaving just the memory of the smell. So with that I can start the introduction to the class.

" Welcome to mythology through de ages of history. M name is professor Amour and this is my aid Orion. " pointing out to him. "This trimester where going on a adventure. This class shall be visited by the Gods from Ancient Greece. " glancing trough the auditorium, remembering the face at seating arrangement. "At the end I will demand a paper, from everyone of you." Looking for fear in the eyes. " If you give me a paper about Zeus or the Titans. " Dramatic pause ! "If I  learn nothing new, you will failed this class." Like a vixen I point to the ground. Sounding sarcastically: "You will be here next year all over again, so good luck." I said.
Orion started handing out the needed books. Keeping a close eye on my face. Wondering what's going on with me today. I noticed the behavior, so I was aware of my body language. Focusing on the task ahead. After that the class went by, two hours had past. The alarm clock on the desk gave time. Everyone except five guys left the auditorium. The group where mind talking each other. Orion descending the stairs, he's ears dropping there conversation. A full devilish smile creeped on his face, heading to my spot. "What's going on with the party of five?" Thumbing the group. Shrugging his shoulders we went out the class heading to the Cafeteria, I was thirsty enough to drink a lake.

Orion watched my every move. By my third glass of water he speaks:  " what the hell happened in there? " eying me "You almost gave yourself away!" Looking right in to my eyes "you almost glowed more than the sun trough the windows." I scrunched my shoulders not knowing to reply. " I smelled black licorice, and almost thrown up my breakfast." I said to him. Definitely not mentioning the rosemary and pineapple that accompanied the bad odor. Orion looks at my eyes and try's to enter my mind. I noticed his intentions I had to block him of. Giving him a jolt of electricity to his head. Feeling guilty of my action. It will teach him to try to pride my thinking. I laugh when I see my Oreo taking his head in his hands. "You little demon, you never got secrets from me, what's different this time?" He asked. Ignoring my best friend. I finished my drink, I start to walk back for my last class of the day.

It's a good walk from the cafeteria to my office and auditorium. I start stroll through the hallways.When I came just in front of the door, to go outside on campus grounds. That intoxicating smell hit my nose once again, I look at the guy. Where is the licorice smell? What's making the licorice? Sam scratched at the mind link obsessed by coming out. hiding my eyes behind my sunglasses. They started to become opal blue with golden circle on the outside. I open the link when I got Samantha's screaming "MATE, MATE, MA"cutting her out before she gains to my control. Still thinking of his sculptured body. his  broad shoulders, and watering arms big strong yummy arms. Almost drooling over my paperwork in my hug. Daydreaming he was hugging me instead. Heavy shaking the tough out of my brain. I was contemplating who he was. I really needed the attendance list from Oreo. Saying more to myself than anybody else.

When I was in my car with Orion beside me. The tension left my body, content with the day. My classes went great, the sun was shinning, the cold dissolved.I was over the moon off the heavenly scent I was blessed by. The loooks of a young Adonis. I was here, and my lovely but nutty mother was all the way in Belgium. Drifting further in myself I was thinking of the intoxicating smell, asking the moon goddess why now. And why did I keep smelling black licorice, disgusted of the smell. I wonder if he's really my Mate. Is Sam sure? And if so how will I ever get over that smell?
Orion parked our car in the parking lot of the hotel. In silence we road the elevator to the top, only the best for the besties. Once inside he gave me a kiss, before entering his room across of the suite. Stopping he reminded me of the dinner invitation of the full red moon pack. Normally we're going to be staying in there pack until I can go back home. Walking in to my room, I hopped in the shower. The warm water was flooding me. Before not for the first time today, I was daydreaming about the gorgeous guy. Washing my body and hair wondering of what his touch would feel like. I snapped out of it, stepping out of the water. Taking a soft fluffy towel, doing my hair and makeup. I just walked in to the room. As i heard Orion about to knock on the door. Fast opening and letting him in. He went to straight to my closet. As he came back, handing me my burgundy retro dress. Black louboutin, matching black clutch. "Now you're ready to go and bedazzle the Alpha and Luna." Plastered smile attached to his face, o I love the guy, he always makes me shine.

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