News from the homefront

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Orion's p.o.v:

Back In the hotel suite,  father a successful dinner. Amoura and I gathered or stuff, packing for our stay at the Full Red Moon pack. Amoura went to sleep, tired of the events. My Queen has found her Mate. And questions where raised. Damn, i almost gave Amoura the truth, and I cannot tell her. How Am I supposed to tell my best friend in ages that she's almost at the end of her life. How can I tell her that she is the reason that oracles had seen a Third World War. I curse the Gods in the sky. The problem will come if she dies. She is the last real descendent of Aphrodite. Love will die with her. And the world would be lost in pain and misery.
In a sudden I was back on the steps of the castle in the sky. " Who has summoned me?" I spoke with my deep voice, that i had inherent of my father. There was no answer, the doors of the sky palace opened on them self's. Without hesitation I walk up the golden stairway. To enter the grand room of white marble. In front of me there are two of the most beautiful woman's you can ever lay your eyes on. I recognize the silvery hear of the goddess Selene. The one with blond hair, her sister the goddess Aphrodite.
" my dear aunties, why do I have the pleasure to be called upon?" Sarcastically I demand. Aphrodite is Looking at me with disgust. She's not just that men don't worship her. Selene puts her hands on the shoulders of her sister. And turns to Orion. " my dear cousin." She starts with a melodic voice. " we send you back to the world, to be there for Amoura. And now where on a point in history. Or we will save the world, or the creation will disappear." She paused, looking around, to see if nobody could be hearing her. " Our brother Ares is conspiring with evil. He knows of Amoura." They say united.  I remember every war that i encountered Ares. And it seems he gets more powerful with every war. He keeps on inventing new stuff to torment the humans. 
I see pictures of upcoming events, the last picture I see. Me holding Amoura, she's covered in bloodshed no coloring on her skin. I begin to weep. The images are to real, i quiver, feeling a loss of love. Crying my eyes out, I whimpered "Why,why,..." pulled back out of lively pictures. Aphrodite takes my body in a hug, I feel the pain of the imagery's fading away. A profound sensation covers my mind. Awareness floods me, I have to protect my Queen. Selene comes closer, lights shines out of her spirit. With a move she directed the light to my being. A warm fuzzy feeling drapes me, feeling power slip through my core. " whenever the time comes, you will be able to help." And with that statement I was back in the hotel room.
Deciding that it was enough for this evening. Trying to go to my room, I hear my phone going crazy. Checking my iPhone. I see The missed calls, the endless emails that became pouring in throughout the evening. Checking the headlines of the emails, a feeling of anxiety got stuck in the back of my trout.

Suddenly Victor's name came flashing on the screen. Victor is the advisor of the queen mother. Answering the phone, I hear Victor's Voice breaking through the line. "Orion tell me is she all right?" Wondering why he is asking me that, I answer him with confidence in my voice " Off course She is all right she's with me." Victor's relief is audible cross the line. "What wrong?" I questioned. Victor informed me that the Royal houses off North and South Europe have been attacked by Roughes and Slavic Packs. Leaving nobody alive. The King of the South was burned alive in front of his Queen mate and his children. Before they slaughter the rest.
The Queen of the North is vanished, her beloved ones dead. He told me of the letters that where left behind. Telling that they will find Amoura, destroying everything in there paths. Our pack is preparing for war, they're accepting the attacker's in a few weeks. Europe's werewolf's where gathering in the Ardennes of Belgium. Preparing and training. The Queen Mother is wanting every last pack member to join. Demanding her daughters return.I tell Victor that it's not a good idea, not for the moment. Amoura has to stay safe. He was hesitant at first. Giving in to my at the end. I didn't tell him off my encounter with the goddesses. I didn't even tell him she found her Mate. Not knowing if  Victor is trustworthy.
I wasn't taking a chance to endanger my Queen. I walked across the suite longing for my bed. Thinking of how I will keep her safe.  Promising the Gods, I would give my life to ensure hers. Wanting to buy some time, wanting to give her the chance to get to know her Mate in pleasant terms.

Going to my bathroom willing to take a shower. I got ambushed by Aristaios, one of the sons off the God Apollo. "Artis, what the fuck, are you trying to give me a heart attack." I said to the guy sitting on the sinks. He looks at me with indifference. " pfff, get real Orion. I just came to give you a heads up." He takes his next breath and continues. " heard something," summoning his ambrosia glass to his hands. I guess the rest of the Gods children's are getting bored.  Passing there times with drinking Ambrosia.Times had changed a lot, the Gods where forgotten. Only Zeus is still getting worshiped. " I'll take the bait,..., what did you hear cousin?" I eyeballed him. "War is coming, and your Queen is the grand price." Not telling me anything new. "Yeah, nothing new, I've been protecting her since the day she was born." Shrugging my shoulders, hoping to come over as normally possible. "This time is different, Ares knows of the prophecy, he found the oracles first my father." I had a shock look, looking back at my from the mirror. " thanks for the heads up, Artis, will you keep me in the loop." I ask pleadingly. He laughed at my face. I really would have beaten him up, if I didn't need him. " we will do better," he says " just call us and we will be there." And with a blink of an eye he dissolved. Keeping me guessing who's the we Artis was talking about. Stepping underneath the hot water, I tried to get a bit relaxed, not working I got into my bed. Letting the darkness crawl in my head, sleep engulfs my brain.

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