How Love Grows

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It was just a careless glance
That began to change my life
For better or worse I do not know
The emotions were in rife

Pretenses were dropped
The fascination became my everything
My brain told me, "No, it's destructive!"
But my heart didn't listen to anything

Obsession, the next phase
Sucked out all my sleep and rest
Day and night, I searched
For losing my soul wasn't a jest

I began to question it all
My identity was lost
And you were my only constant
Love came with a great cost

Attaining fulfillment was hard,
My only set desperation
Being with you was my wish
And a never ending aspiration

All I could ever have
Is the most fragile eternity
I hope this love won't wilt or die.
For me, I feel only pity

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