Chapterrrrrrrrrrrrrr 5!!!!!!

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After breakfast, I got dressed in white high waisted jeans and a black short sleeved t-shirt with Link and Zelda on it. I did my makeup and started to style my hair. I was half way through curling my hair when the door opened.

Pj stepped in and said "Sorry to barge in but Aurora wants to know if you want to have a huge sleepover. Me, you, her, Phil, Dan and Chris?" I put up one finger telling him to wait a sec, and finished curling my hair.

"I'll phone Phil, you phone Chris. Deal?" I said putting my hand out for him to shake. "Deal!" He said, as we both pulled our phones out.

I dialed Phil's number and he picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hello?" He said, "Hi Phil, Pj and Aurora want to know if, you and Dan want to have a huge group sleepover. It will be me, Aurora, Peej, you, Dan and Chris. What do you say?" I said cocking my head to the side like I do when I'm waiting for a answer.

"That sounds awesome! I'll call you back in 5 minutes so I can ask Dan. Bye!" He answered before hanging up. I looked towards Peej and he nodded before saying bye and hanging up. "Chris said yes!" He exclaimed. I smiled and told him what Phil said. He nodded and went to go and tell Aurora.

I plugged my headphones in and walked down the stairs. I got to the 3rd step from the bottom and of course, little clumsy me had to trip. I fell flat on my face, I groaned and started to get up. I saw a hand appear in front of my face I followed the arm up and saw Peej in front of me.

"Having fun down there?" He asked smirking. I giggled and allowed him to pull me up. When I was on my feet my phone vibrated in my pocket, I pulled it out and checked the caller ID. It was Phil.

"Hey big bro, you have an answer yet?" I asked before he could say anything. "Yeah tell Peej and Aurora to pack a bag. Our living room is big enough." He said, "YAY!" I screamed down the phone. "I'll go tell them!" I said and hung up before he could say anything.

I ran to the living room and said, "Both of you pack a bag and ring Chris, we're all going round mine. It's got a bigger living room so we'll all sleep in there." They cheered and said they were hoping for that.

After everyone was ready to leave, we got in the car and went to pick up Chris. He jumped in the back with me and we had a mini party to the music. We soon arrived at my place, Dan and Phil already had all the sleeping bags from the cupboard. There were only 3 so we all had to share.

Chris wanted to share with Phil, and Aurora didn't really want to share with Peej so she shared with Dan. The only person left for me to share with was, Peej. Well this isn't going to be awkward at all.

"Guys! Lets play Truth or Dare!" Aurora shouted after we had all had pizza. Everyone cheered and sat in a circle. It went Dan, Phil, Me, Chris, PJ and the Aurora.

I had to ask first, "So Aurora, truth or dare?" She thought for a minute before deciding. "Truth." She said smiling at me with a worried expression. "Wimp." I said under my breath, she heard and stuck her middle finger up at me. "Snog, Marry, Avoid. Dan, Phil and Chris?" I said smirking.

"Hmmm, I'd marry Dan, snog Phil and avoid Chris. Sorry Chris." She said.

"So Ath, truth or dare?" Rory asked. "I'll be a wimp and go for truth." I said smiling at her. She looked thoughtful for a minute before saying "What were you like in secondry school?". I laughed a bit at the memories.

"Right before you laugh I'm being completely serious... I was a really into witchcraft." I said, every word the complete truth. Aurora burst out laughing and said "Oh my lord! Does anyone have a photo?" I saw Phil's eyes light up and I gave him a 'You even dare and I will set you on fire!' look.

"I have!" Phil exclaimed pulling out his Iphone. 'Oh god' I thought. Phil turned his phone around and there was me, secondry school days, black hair, thick glasses and a tiny clip on witches hat clipped on the side of my head. Aurora burst out laughing again.

"No! Put it away! I don't want anymore memories!" I shouted launching myself at Phil. "Alright you two stop." Chris said picking me up and putting me on his back. I laughed and soon enough everyone was in a fit of giggles.

"Alright back to the game!" Aurora said and we all sat in the same places. It was Chris's turn to ask. "Okay Dan, truth or dare." He asked turning to Dan expectantly. "Dare! I'm not a wimp like them two!" He shouted pointing to me and Aurora. "Okay I dare you to kiss Aurora, on the lips for 20 seconds." Chris said grinning.

Ah I get what he's doing. He's putting the 'get Aurora and Dan together' plan in action. YES! Aurora went bright red and looked towards me, I nodded and her and Dan leaned in.

~~~Aurora's POV~~~ (AN: Oh snap! A POV change. The first one in this fic! (I think))

"Okay I dare you to kiss Aurora, on the lips for 20 seconds." Chris said. I felt my cheeks burn. Oh frick. I looked towards Athena, she smiled and nodded. I looked to Dan and he started to lean in. I leaned in and our lips touched, sparks flew and I felt warm. (AN: Wow that sounds so cringy!)

When we pulled away and we were both a wonderful shade of crimson. I spaced out the rest of the game. Soon we all decided to go to bed. Well this is what I'm dreading, I forgot I have to share with Dan.

I quickly got changed in Athena's bedroom and walked out. Dan was already in the sleeping bag, I quickly slipped into the bag and curled up. I'm so lucky the sleeping bag is big. I glanced over to Athena and saw her and Peej curled up together chatting about witchcraft and video ideas.

Before I drifted off to dreamland, I felt Dan's arms wrap around me and pull me close. I shifted a bit and smiled. Could this be everyday? Maybe, one day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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