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Raina yelped softly as another nudge against her leg reminded her of their new companion. Resisting the urge to completely freak out, she turned and gave it a stern look.

"What did I say about personal space?" she scolded, but the Beast wasn't paying her any attention. Instead it was focused on something in the distance. Following its gaze, Raina's grip on her brother's arm tightened as she instinctively pulled him behind her. For the children were no longer alone in this new strange Kingdom and from the look on the Beast's face (and partly the instinctual plunge of their stomachs) it was clear that this was no friend.

"We have to get out of here; find somewhere to hide so that we can figure out what to do next," said Rami rather sensibly. He turned to the Beast who was pawing against the ground impatiently, glancing around nervously as if it expected another impending danger to appear. "Can you take us somewhere safe?"

"You're asking the Beast?!" exclaimed Raina, who felt the pit in her stomach grow at the creature's behaviour. "We should be running; trying to put as much distance between us and whoever that is," she continued tugging at Rami's arm. But he shrugged her off and focused on the Beast.

"Please, can you help us?" He asked again, this time the Beast tilted it's head in response; eyes shifting to Raina for the briefest moments before settling on the distant (yet getting closer by the second) danger. Frowning, Rami glanced between the two ignoring the pleas of his sister to run, his brain cogs practically visible as they churned.

"Rami come on, this is no time to argue with me," begged Raina getting more cross at his stubborn behaviour. It was one thing for her to let him take the lead when they were playing an imaginary game – this was life and death. She had a responsibility to uphold, regardless of where they happened to be.

"The quickest way would be to use the Beast. I just need to figure out how to communicate with it," muttered Rami in reply. He maintained a cautious distance from it, observing the actions including every time it's eyes would flicker towards his sister.

"You don't even know if it can understand us!" said Raina exasperatedly. The oncoming storm was easier to make out now. Two men dressed in dark clothes with golden masks that shaped upwards into menacing horns; each riding on a Beast that made their one seem like a child's toy. Covered in dark scales, they advanced at a rate that didn't seem possible.

"Rami," breathed Raina, taking a step backwards. "We have to go, now!"

Grabbing his arm, Raina pulled him in the opposite direction not caring too much about what the Beast did. Her concern was with Rami and protecting him took priority over his fascination.

"The Beast – we can't just leave it!" said Rami through gritted teeth. Digging his heels in the ground, he put his strength into resisting Raina's pull.

"Oh for the love of – it can come too, for all I care it can teleport us away, but please Rami," said Raina, trailing off at the end. Whether it was the desperate tone of her voice, or the look in her eyes, Rami stopped resisting and turned to give the Beast one final glance only to see an empty space.

It seemed it had already taken off (though how it had the ability to do so, so quickly was a mystery), having grown tired of the squabbling siblings. Without the distraction of the Beast, Rami was able to focus on the danger that was approaching them.

He stumbled over his own legs in his attempt to speed up, the warnings from their Grammy ringing in his ears about treacherous Guardians and Beasts that could not be trusted. It was clear to him that his sister may have had a point about running as soon as they spotted it, but he couldn't help his curiosity. Since entering this world, the Beast had only proven to be kind to them both, even notifying them of an oncoming enemy. If he could just have a moment to figure it out...

But unfortunately, time was not on their side. The terrain became rockier as they delved further away from the castle towards the mountains.

"Ra –"

A large swooping sound cut them off as they faltered in their speed. Two large wings flapped above them causing the ground to shift. Raina reached out instinctively to steady Rami, her fingers desperately reaching out. But before she could grab ahold of him, she heard a strange sound; a deep throaty grumbling that sent vibrations into her chest. Something about it seemed almost spiritual, as if the energy was coursing through her veins.

"Look!" Rami yelled, pointing above them both. The Beast had transformed, with magnificent feathers sprouting seemingly from the colourful mane that made it so striking in the first place. Far larger and far more majestic, it took a moment for her to confirm that it was indeed the same creature.

Poor Raina didn't know what to make of it. On the one hand they were being chased by some terrifying sinister people that she had no intention of stopping to converse with. Yet the alternative involved something far more dangerous.

Narrowing her eyes, Raina met the eyes of the Beast; the same ones that had caught her attention with their immense sadness and in that moment made a decision that was based on instinct rather than rationality.

"Get on the Beast," she said in a low voice. Rami barely had time to register her order when she repeated it again, her tone laced with far more urgency and impatience. Not wanting to wait for a third reminder, he grabbed onto the mane and pulled himself onto the creature with ease. Raina was slightly less delicate with her mounting; her fingers buried themselves deeper into the thick fur, taking care not to pull too harshly.

On top of the Beast it was an entirely different story. Suddenly six feet in the air, she wrapped one arm around her brother, keeping the other tightly locked onto a piece of fur. Focusing on keeping her breath steady and stomach calm, Raina glanced behind fearfully.

"Take us to safety, please," she said in a small voice.

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