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Whilst Raina had been worrying about grown-up issues like making sure that they were safe and how on earth they'd be able to find their way home, Rami concerned himself with practical problems, like what new species they'd come across, contemplating questions that whirred through his mind.

Do all Beasts follow you around like theirs seemed to?

Did some have horns?

Do they understand English or did they communicate another way?

The latter question was one that had been particularly bothering him. The Beast seemed to be communicating with his sister perfectly well. Yet the same level of connection wasn't experienced in his case. Considering Raina was always the reluctant one to believe, the young boy simply couldn't wrap his head around it.

What had he done wrong?

But he couldn't dwell upon it for too long as he was soon distracted with the immense beauty of the forest. A small rustle of trees could be heard, in an otherwise silent clearing. Each step brought a new discovery. Mentally he had been making a list that he couldn't wait to share once they had found Grammy. It was when that thought entered his mind, his hand found his sister's. He always knew that the Kingdom was dangerous, but to actually have their Grammy kidnapped was another problem entirely.

This was his world.

He knew everything there was to know. At least he thought he did. If he was truly the Keeper of the Stone, then where were his Knights? Where had all the other Guardians disappeared to? The elves, faeries, fauns and centaurs? Throughout his journey, he kept an ear out for them all, but none appeared.

Poor Rami was so wrapped up in his own mind that when the arrow almost hit his toe, he could barely register the danger. It wasn't until the intruder called out from the trees did it truly sink in. Pulling his hand out, he bent down and examined the arrow. Small, nifty, with a sharp gleam of gold at the tip. Careful not to touch it, Rami tilted his head, a satisfied smile being the only indicator of his confidence as he stood up.

"I am Rami," he said glancing upwards at no particular direction. The stiffening of his sister next to him was ignored, because he knew who this was. "Keeper of the Stone."

There was a moments silence before a small shift in the leaves above. Quicker than either Rami or Raina could register, a young man landed on the ground having jumped from his hiding spot. His hood covered most of his face, but even with it, they could make out the bright blue eyes that stared at them curiously. But that was the only warmth they received (if that even counted was debatable).

"There are no Stone Keepers," came his reply at long last.

Rami slipped his hand into his pocket, where the Stones that he found with Raina yesterday still lay. He could almost hear the warnings that his sister was trying to relay. She probably guessed what he was about to do, but Rami was not an insane person; he knew what this all must look like to her, a non-believer. But what she didn't realise was that the Keeper of the Stone can find one wherever he or she may need it.

Without breaking eye contact, he held out his closed fist and turned it around, opening it for all to see. If the man was surprised, he hid it well. However he did kneel down immediately, bowing his head at the boy. The gesture was enough for the young boy to confirm that this man was no danger.

When he turned with the intention to notify his sister of this, he didn't expect to see her bulging eyes brimming with silent tears that threatened to spill down her pale cheeks. This was, by far, the limit for Raina Marshall, who had just about accepted that her brother's imaginary world had come to life. To see him pull out an ordinary pebble, one that she joked around with him on their pretend missions, to see that now glow with an almost blinding shimmering light was simply too much.

Rami barely had time to call out, before she collapsed to the ground, her mind attempting to protect what her heart seemed to be figuring out as the puzzle pieces fell into place.

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